3GQGB asphalt screw pump pays attention to daily maintenance work in normal use. It is well controlled according to certain problems and principles. It can fully display certain control and production, get good maintenance method and prolong service life. When using 3GQGB asphalt screw pump Timely maintenance 3GQGB asphalt screw pump pays attention to daily maintenance work in normal use. It is well controlled according to certain problems and principles. It can fully display certain control and production, get good maintenance and prolong service life.
Although the 3GQGB asphalt screw pump sticking process is relatively simple, the actual construction requirements are quite strict. It is not always possible to obtain high adhesive strength by selecting a good adhesive. It is necessary to select a suitable adhesive, and to apply a suitable adhesive in strict accordance with the correct process, and to strictly follow the correct process to obtain a satisfactory adhesive coating effect. In recent years, surface adhesive coating technology has been widely used in equipment maintenance in China, and it is suitable for the repair of parts and equipment of various materials. The working principle is that the adhesive which is added with special filler such as molybdenum disulfide, metal powder and fiber is directly applied to the surface of the material or part to make it have the functions of wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and the asphalt pump is mainly used for surface strengthening and repair. Its process is simple, convenient, flexible, safe and reliable. It does not require special equipment. It only needs to apply the glue to the surface of the cleaned parts. After curing, it can be trimmed. It is often operated at room temperature and will not make parts. Produces thermal power equivalent effects and deformations.
Asphalt pumps should be stored in a dry, clean and non-corrosive atmosphere in daily use. Save each part and replace the same parts. When disassembling the 3GQGB asphalt screw pump, each part should be preserved. Pay special attention to the explosion-proof surface of the explosion-proof parts. It should not damage the wool, including the insulating gasket and casing. For damage, the same new parts must be replaced. Substitute materials that are lower than the performance of the raw materials or parts that do not conform to the original specifications shall not be used. All parts shall be assembled in the original position during assembly and shall not be missed.
3GQGB asphalt screw pump is often fatliquoring, electric oil pump is running at high speed, grease is easy to volatilize, so the lubrication at the bearing must be kept clean, and pay attention to change. Frequently check the repair, should always check, repair, must check the power cord: internal wiring, plug, switch is good, insulation resistance is normal, the brush tail seat is loose, Po Taibang commutator and brush contact is good, armature winding Whether the stage-expanded stator winding is suitable for interrupting the road, whether the bearing and the rotating parts are damaged, and so on. 3GQGB asphalt screw pump pay attention to insulation resistance, electric pump that is not used for a long time or used in humid environment. The insulation resistance of the winding must be measured with a 500 volt megger before use. If the insulation resistance between the winding and the motor casing is less than 7 megohms, the winding must be dried.
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