Marble and granite surface paving tips

Marble and granite surfaces should be made of natural marble plates and granite plates. The surface of the board requires smooth, bright, bright color, no knife marks, swirl lines. Under the marble and granite surface layer, a bonding layer should be used. The bonding layer can be 1:4 to 1:6 cement sand or 1:2 cement mortar. Cement sand binding layer thickness is 20 ~ 30mm; cement mortar bonding layer thickness is 10 ~ 15mm.

Before laying the plate, according to the design requirements, according to the stone color, pattern, pattern, texture, etc. try spelling number; when the plate has cracks, falling angles, warping and surface defects should be removed, the different types of plates shall not be mixed use. When paving slabs, horizontal and vertical alignment lines should be used at the base level (padding level or floor level). The position of the alignment line is generally taken at the width of a plate from the wall.

Marble and granite slabs should be soaked with water first, and they can only be laid after being polished or dried on the surface. The laying of marble and granite slabs should start from the line of sight, that is, the edge of this row of plates is aligned with the alignment line.

When the board is laid, the jointing layer shall be paved on the base level. When the cement sand is used to bond the layers, it shall be dry and mixed evenly and sprinkled with water; when the cement mortar is used in conjunction with the layer, the dry cement mortar shall be used. In order to enhance the bonding between the bonding layer and the sheet, it is advisable to use cement paste or dry cement to spray water at the bonding level, and then place the sheet in alignment with the bonding layer. The first line is laid according to the guideline, and the next line is laid according to the previous line.

The paved plates should be flat, the lines straight and inlaid correctly; the plates, plates and joints as well as the corners, trims and walls should be tightly bonded together without voids. The surface of marble and granite surface shall be clean, smooth and solid; the joint width of the plate shall not be greater than 1mm when the design is not specified. The marble and granite surface shall be protected after completion, and the cement mortar of the bonded layer shall be protected. After the strength reaches the requirement, it can be waxed to achieve smooth and bright. Natural marble surfaces can also be broken pieces, that is, made of marble pieces. Requires the use of color coordination, uniform thickness, marble crumbs without sharp corners, the combination of the use of cement mortar, the gap between the pieces should be used cement mortar or cement and stone grain mix. The surface of the broken marble surface shall be clean, smooth and solid; the color of the pieces shall be coordinated; the gaps between the pieces shall be filled to ensure that the gaps are not excessive. The allowable deviation of the difference in height of two plates adjacent to marble and granite is 0.5mm; the allowable deviation of straightness of the plates in the middle layer of the surface layer (seams) is 2mm; the surface roughness of the surface layer , Allowable deviation when inspection with a 2m ruler is 1mm. The allowable deviation of surface flatness of broken marble marble is 3mm.

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