Coking industry seeks breakthrough in structural adjustment

At the 8th China Coking Technology and Coke Market International Conference held from September 8 to 10, Chairman Huang Jinqian of the China Coking Industry Association emphasized that the implementation of the "Coking Industry Access Conditions" has achieved significant results in structural adjustments over the past six years. The coking industry has basically formed the world's most complete coking industrial system with Chinese characteristics. The coke market still has a long period of growth. However, the environmental pressure on resources is prominent, and the task of energy saving and emission reduction is arduous. The opportunities and challenges of the coking industry in China coexist. In the future, efforts will be made to achieve a coal-coke joint, a joint coke steel, and a coal-coking-chemical-steel industrial chain to realize the transition to a green economy.

Industrial recovery booming production and sales

Statistics show that from January to July 2010, the total global crude steel production was 821 million tons, an increase of 25% over the same period of last year. In absolute terms, global steel production has basically recovered to its pre-crisis level. In the first half of the year, China's crude steel and pig iron increased 21.1% and 17.36%, respectively, and consumed 187 million tons of coke, a year-on-year increase of 18.25%. From January to July, the country has cumulatively produced 22439 tons of coke, an increase of 17.63% year-on-year. From the current market demand trend, according to China's annual crude steel production 630 million tons estimated, and then the demand for coke pulling may reach about 380 million tons.

According to Naresh Sharma, chief executive officer of Balaki Cokes, India, demand for coke in India is expected to reach 70 million tons by 2012 as India's steel production capacity increases. At present, India is facing a shortage of coke production capacity, which needs to be adjusted through imports. The coke imported from China accounts for the vast majority of imports.

Shrinking share of exports decline

According to customs statistics, from January to July 2010, China exported 1.98 million tons of coke, of which 590,000 tons were exported in July. The top five countries in China’s exports are Brazil, India, Japan, Belgium and Canada. The top five provinces, municipalities, and municipalities in terms of domestic coke exports are Shanxi, Beijing, Shanghai, Xinjiang, and Tianjin, among which coke exports account for 46.4% of the country's total. According to the statistical statistics of global coke exports from authoritative institutions in foreign countries, the share of coke in China’s international market has dropped significantly.

Xu Xu, president of the China Minmetals Chemicals Import & Export Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that the main causes of the shrinkage of coke exports were the tightening of national export policies, higher export tariffs, and high export cost pressures. In addition, the global coke market price has been greatly reduced and exports are not profitable. Even losses have led to a downturn in coke exports. At the same time, the dependence of coke-importing countries on China's dependence has decreased and the production capacity of the coking industry has been seriously excessive. The outlook for China's coke exports is hardly optimistic.

On the other hand, due to the expansion of demand for coke, the integration of coal resources in China, the protective mining of coking coal, and the persistently high total amount of coking industry, China has become a net importer of coal. The data shows that China's export of coking coal has shrunk dramatically from 2008 to 2009. In 2009, the export of coking coal was 636,000 tons, but in the first half of 2010 exports reached 565,500 tons, showing a certain upward trend.

Eliminate backwardness and accelerate reorganization

At present, independent coking enterprises in China account for two-thirds of the country's coke production. Eliminating outdated production capacity will have a significant impact on the coke market situation and product structure. At the same time, the addition of steel-coking companies and government policy adjustments have made the independent coking plant increasingly competitive. fierce. Data show that from January to July 2010, domestic imports of iron ore 360 ​​million tons, an increase of 1.5%; average price of 116 US dollars, up 53.3%. The average price of imported iron ore in June this year was 61.46% higher than that of last December, up 105.22% from June of last year. In the first half of the actual procurement cost, coking coal increased by 27.6% year-on-year, injection coal rose by 16.4%, metallurgical coke increased by 17.3%, and domestic concentrate powder increased by 42.7%. The continuing high prices of ore and coking coal have severely squeezed the coke market.

Gold Dry said that the Chinese coking industry is still facing better market opportunities, but the domestic coking industry has excess production capacity and extensive operations. It must change the development mode and strive to achieve a transformation from simply pursuing enterprise-scale output expansion to quality-effective intensive development. To this end, we must promote the elimination of backward production capacity, speed up joint reorganization; strive to improve the quality of coke, improve product structure; actively develop a recycling economy, and work hard to do a good job of efficient recycling and deep processing of coal tar, benzene and coke oven gas, Strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises and improve economic efficiency.

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