Application of intelligent power transmitter and relay output module in building electrical monitoring system

Abstract: The electrical monitoring automation system of the power building is based on the control module and configuration software, based on the state acquisition module and the power collection module. It realizes distributed data detection and centralized data monitoring through RS232, RS485 and TCP/IP protocols. Intelligent digital online monitoring system for analysis, management and control.
I. Introduction
With the development of communication technology and control technology, centralized monitoring and management has become an inevitable trend in the development of building intelligent management. Due to the scattered distribution of office building power distribution room, distribution box, control switch, air conditioner, etc., it is difficult to understand the safe operation status of each power distribution equipment in a timely and effective manner; the elevator power supply is far from the duty room, and it is difficult for the attendant to understand in real time. Elevator power status; building security monitoring points, fire monitoring points can only achieve centralized management by forming a network. In order to realize the efficient and intelligent management of the power building, the electrical monitoring automation system of the power building was developed.
Second, the building overview Power Management Corporation Power Building's power distribution system mainly includes office building lighting distribution, power distribution, 6KV power distribution room high voltage and low voltage power distribution. The office building lighting distribution system is mainly divided into two separate power distribution systems, the new building and the old building. The low-voltage lighting power is provided by the 6KV power distribution room on the back side of the building. The 12-story distribution power supply in the old building is provided by the distribution cabinets allocated on the 1, 6, 9, and 11 floors. The new building includes the 11-story distribution power supply in the basement. Rows are available. The four power distribution cabinets in the old building provide power to the wall distribution boxes on each floor. The power distribution box on each floor includes 1 incoming line and 16 outgoing lines; the new building wall distribution box includes 1 incoming line and 13 outgoing lines. . The 6KV power distribution room consists of two parts: a high voltage room and a low voltage room. The high voltage room includes two incoming lines and one set of high voltage bus couples. The low voltage room includes two low voltage incoming lines and one set of low voltage bus and 54 way feed switches.
Third, the working principle Electric building electrical monitoring automation system is a distribution control concept of the distribution system. It takes the form of three levels and independent modules. The electrical measurement and control unit transmits the electrical state quantity of each loop collected in the field and the real-time data of the important branch to the information processing unit, and the information processing unit processes the received information, uploads the monitoring center unit and executes the command issued by the monitoring center unit. .
Monitoring unit: The central computer mainly plays a monitoring role and completes the man-machine dialogue. It analyzes various data transmitted by each monitoring unit, dynamically displays various areas, real-time running information, and over-limit alarms. The central computer has an operational information database that stores monitoring and operation reports for more than half a year.
Information processing unit: As an information processing unit, the PCC mainly performs data processing, information uploading and release.
Electrical measurement and control unit: mainly collects and controls the field data.
4. Intelligent Module 1. EDA9033A The power collection module “EDA9033A Smart Power Transmitter” is an integrated electrical parameter measurement module with excellent performance and low price. A single module can be used in three-phase three-wire or three-phase four-wire system. Voltage, current, active rms value of active power and power factor, reactive power, electrical quantity, and output digital signal, compatible with RS485 or RS232 interface, effectively reducing user cost.
● Communication rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K
● Voltage range (phase voltage): 10V, 20V, 50V, 75V, 100V, 150V, 200V, 250V, 300V, 400V, 500V are optional.
● Current range: 1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, 10A, 20A optional ● Communication protocol: dual protocol, one module has both ASCII code format and hexadecimal format dual protocol ● Input signal per channel sampling rate: 4KHZ, AC sampling.
● Input response time (data update rate in module): 250ms, synchronous measurement.
● Isolation voltage: 1000V DC
● Accuracy class: current, voltage 0.2, other 0.5.
2, EDA9060 switch module (4 input 4 output)
●Switch input: 4 inputs, passive null contact input, or logic level input; input signal is isolated from power ground, isolation voltage 1000VDC. Logic level 0: 0 ~ +0.5V or short circuit, logic level 1: +3V ~ +30V or open circuit.
●Switch output: 4 relay outputs, two sets of normally open 2 contacts, two sets of normally open and normally closed 3 contacts. The output contact capacity is 8A 125VAC (5A 250VAC 5A 30VDC).
● Communication interface:
Interface: RS-485 interface, two-wire system, ±15KV ESD protection.
Protocol: Dual protocol, ACSII code format and LC-02 hex format.
Rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 Bps, software settable.
Module address: 00~FF can be set by software.
● Module power supply: +8 ~ 30V DC * Maximum power consumption: <1.5W, typical power consumption <0.3W (relay output is divided into states)
● Working environment: working temperature: -20 ° C ~ 70 ° C; storage temperature: -40 ° C ~ 85 ° C;
Relative humidity: -5% to 95% without condensation.
Fifth, the structural composition

Sixth, system function:
1. Power management high and low voltage power grid systems realize intelligent centralized monitoring and control. Optimize power supply system management through remote control to more efficiently allocate energy and save energy.
2. Fault location Various faults of the power distribution system, lighting system, air conditioning ventilation system, elevator system, and DC power system can be timely and accurately reflected from the human-machine interface.
3. Alarm management A) Alarm information:
All alarms show details about the alarm monitoring point, including the name and time of the occurrence.
B) Alarm level:
According to the severity, it is divided into three levels to deal with serious alarms more effectively and quickly. Users can determine the severity level for different alarms.
C) Alarm output:
(1), audible alarm, when there is an alarm, automatically send a music alarm;
(2), image alarm, when an alarm occurs, the alarm information screen pops up automatically;
(3), SMS output, when an alarm occurs, it is automatically sent to the designated mobile phone by SMS;
According to the alarm signal sent by the site, the monitoring center conducts fault diagnosis and fault analysis, and issues an audible and visual alarm to provide the fault diagnosis basis for the operating personnel;

4. Security management Set multi-user and multi-level operation authority. Only the operator can input the correct administrator name and password to operate the control device to ensure the safe operation of the system.

5. The network browsing is based on the main operation station, and each operation station is connected through Ethernet to form a larger network system. It is published on the Web in the form of Web. Managers can monitor and manage the entire building (group) by simply installing a standard browser on the client.
6. The file management system can automatically archive each control operation, manage the past fault data and important data, etc., in case of any query and fault analysis. Each CPU has the following record accumulation: running accumulation, analog quantity and pulse accumulation record, cumulative record of occurrences, if the record accumulation exceeds the limit set by the user, the system will automatically release the user-specified warning information.
7. Report output can output various forms of reports according to the needs of users.
Seven, system features:
1. Intuitive:
A graphical management and monitoring interface allows users to intuitively manage and monitor the health of the device, including graphical system network structures, device monitoring interfaces, historical data, and real-time data trend displays.
2. Reliability:
The design fully reflects the characteristics of decentralized control and centralized management. It ensures that each substation system can be independently controlled, and at the same time, it can be centrally managed on the central workstation, so that the whole system has perfect structure and reliable performance.
All levels of equipment in the system can be operated independently, that is, they can form different levels of distribution systems (or different levels of structure and organization) at the same time. The interface is very convenient and the system reliability is greatly increased.
3. Advanced:
Superior remote communication capabilities enable control systems between different buildings to form a cluster system.
The openness and compatibility of the network structure ensures its ability to combine with advanced communication technologies and ensures the continuity of the system structure during product upgrades.
4. Economical:
The structure is modular, the control method is extremely flexible, and the maintenance and expansion of the control layer is extremely convenient. The building automation system can be easily expanded, saving initial investment, and each part of the system can be put into use with commissioning. The system can meet your requirements for cost savings in property management, and the effective cost can guarantee the comfort and safety of the office area.
5, scalability:
The modular configuration facilitates system expansion and integrates advanced, standard, reliable and easy maintenance.
Eight, promotion prospects This function is in line with the direction of building automation development, increasing the reliability of safe operation of building and residential power distribution. The overall design meets the requirements of the current domestic building automation level. Because this function can be integrated with other monitoring of the building, it forms a network system, which increases the reliability of the system operation, reduces the potential safety hazards, and saves costs. Welcome.

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