Eight tips for using a peristaltic pump

Eight tips for using a peristaltic pump
Peristaltic pump 8 big use tips

The peristaltic pump is also called constant flow pump and hose pump. The mechanical principle of the peristaltic pump is very simple. It pumps fluid by alternately squeezing and releasing the pump tubing. Just like using two fingers to squeeze a hose filled with liquid, as the finger moves, a negative pressure is created inside the tube, and the liquid flows with it!

As a professional passenger aircraft company engaged in the research and development of peristaltic pumps for many years, Jieheng Peristaltic Pump Co., Ltd. has summed up the following skills in the long-term use, for the majority of peers and users to refer to, please read the axe.


Tip 1 : When the peristaltic pump is not working, the pressure tube block should be loosened to extend the life of the pump tube. The peristaltic pump relies on the natural rebound of the compression hose and the hose to generate suction and fluid. To maintain the long life of the pump tube, when the pump is not in use, try to lift the pump head clamp so that the pump tube is naturally unstressed. State to extend pump life.


Tip 2 :   When the peristaltic pump is selected, the pump speed can be reduced to less than 300 rpm under the premise of satisfying the flow rate . The flow rate of the peristaltic pump is generated by the rotation of the pump head. If the rotation is faster, the pump tube will be used for a shorter period of time, so when it is desired to use the pump tube for a longer period of time, the pump of a larger diameter can be selected as much as possible. Thereby reducing the speed of the pump.


Tip 3 : Use a special tube for the peristaltic pump on the pump head . The other connecting tubes can be used with ordinary pipes. Extrusion tubes used on peristaltic pumps require good compressive resilience and tear resistance. Therefore, these pump tubes have higher material purity and higher geometric accuracy, which results in higher peristaltic pump tubes. Therefore, it is more economical to use a common pipe as the connecting pipe.


Tip 4 : The peristaltic pump tube inlet should be as short as possible. The joints and caliber of the tubing should not be lower than the caliber of the tubing installed in the pump head. The suction of the peristaltic pump is generated by the rebound of the pump tube. If the pipeline, especially the inlet pipeline, is too long or the diameter is small, the resistance at the suction end will be too large. If the resistance is too large, the rebound of the pump will be blocked, so the actual delivery. Traffic can be greatly lost. Similarly, if the outlet pipe is small or the pipe is too long, the discharge pressure of the peristaltic pump is usually small, and when the discharge resistance is too large, the output flow rate is lowered.


Tip 5 : When the peristaltic pump is selected, the theoretical flow rate is greater than the actual flow rate, preferably greater than 30% . The peristaltic pump tube is soft, so the negative pressure and discharge pressure generated by it are small. If the liquid to be delivered has a certain viscosity or the pipeline has a certain length, the actual flow loss will be caused, in order to achieve the required flow rate selection. The theoretical flow is slightly higher than the actual flow.


Tip 6 : The peristaltic pump should pay attention to clean the debris on the pump casing and pump tube during use. Since the peristaltic pump is a relatively sophisticated instrument, the pump casing is mainly used to maintain a high precision clearance, thereby efficiently squeezing the pump tube. If the inflowing liquid adheres to the pump casing pressure roller and the pressure block and the pump tube due to the damage of the pump tube, Will change the pressure gap of the pump head, even a slight change will cause excessive premature wear of the pump tube, which will seriously affect the pump head damage caused by the pump head.


Tip 7 : The peristaltic pump should periodically check the wear of the pump tube when it is in use. Because the peristaltic pump tube is a wearing part, once it breaks, it will cause liquid leakage. Therefore, it is necessary to check the surface of the pump casing for early grinding to prevent the pump tube from being damaged.


Tip 8 : When selecting a peristaltic pump , pay attention to whether the liquid to be delivered will corrode the pump tube. Because the pump tube is made of many materials, there are many kinds of liquids to be transported. There is no pump tube that can withstand all liquids. Therefore, you need to confirm your own liquid type, compare it with a chemical compatibility meter or ensure the pump tube by immersion test. can use.
Article source: http://NewsView.aspx?SortID=11&ID=100

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