How is the loofah grown? Loofah autumn planting technique

After the sowing of autumn loofah in mid-July to mid-August, the growth period is in the midst of high temperature, the rain is temporarily low, and the autumn wind is rising. It is easy to cause the growth of the seedlings to be less prosperous, with fewer results, more pests and diseases, and less income. Therefore, we should pay attention to the cultivation management:

First, cultivate strong seedlings to protect seedlings

Selection of loofah. Choose early maturity, suitable for dense planting, disease resistance, high yield, aging resistance, good commercial quality, high yield in the early stage, and long rod-shaped loofah varieties.

Loofah seed treatment. The seeds were immersed in warm water at 30 ° C for 3 hours, and then immersed in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes for disinfection, then rinsed with water, placed under ventilated conditions to naturally germination, and the seeds were white and then sown.

Loofah sowing and seedling management. Carry out the nutrition cup seedlings, mix the matured soil and a small amount of high-quality chicken eggs, and then put the cups in the cups, drench the water, sow 1-2 seeds per cup, cover a small amount of fine soil, and spray with 1000 times solution of dixon. Then cover the seedbed with a cover to prevent sun exposure and heavy rain. During the nursery period, care should be taken to keep the soil moist, but not too much water, so as not to cause a long length. 7 days before transplanting, 1-2 times of 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed to promote the green color of the melon seedlings, the stems were thick and the roots were developed.

Second, the colonization and field management of loofah

Fertilization of loofah. 10 days before planting, combined with land preparation, 1,500 kg of decomposed chicken, duck and pig manure per mu, 100 kg of cake fertilizer and 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer are used as base fertilizer.

Colonization of loofah. When the melon seedlings are 4 to 4.5 leaves, we will seize the time to plant the fields. It is planted in close planting, 2 meters open, 2 rows per box, 25-30cm plant spacing, 2200-2500 plants per acre.

The loofah is stalked. Loofah is a climbing plant. It must be placed in a flat shed before the vines are sown. For example, a bamboo pole is used for slanting, and each slanting rod is placed on the top of the slanting frame with a slanting frame of about 2 meters. The vertical and horizontal sections are respectively pulled into a net by bamboo raft or plastic woven or iron wire. After the vine is put into the vine, the vine is introduced in time, and the vine is attached to the shelf to make the vine leaves evenly distributed on the shelf. The side vines before they are put on the shelves should be removed. The side vines on the shelves should be topped in time when there are 2-3 buds; and the excess male flowers should be cut off. Then, two side vines are left at the upper end of the main vine, and the rest are removed. When these two vines grow to about 10 leaves, they are also topped out, and the old leaves of the lower part of the main vine are removed, which reduces the nutrient consumption and ensures the ventilation and light transmission in the field. In addition, we should always treat melons so that the melons can be hung in the shed and the plants can be adjusted. It should be carried out on a sunny afternoon to avoid damage to the leaves.

Fertilizer management of loofah. After the seedlings are drenched, a thin manure is added to raise the seedlings to promote the growth of new roots. When the first female flower is pollinated, the roots are opened about 30 cm from both sides of the root, 20 kg of urea per acre, and the cake fertilizer is soaked for more than 3 days. Kilograms, 25 kilograms of ternary compound fertilizer for fruit fertilizer, promote the expansion of melon and fruit. After the first batch of melons are harvested, 15 kg of urea is applied as a relay fertilizer per acre. It can also be sprayed with anti-fungal bacteria and sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, foliar treasure and other nutrient solution. Every fruit harvest is 1-2 times, and the manure water is chased once every 7 days. 100 grams of urea can be added every 50 kilograms of manure in the manure. If the deformed fruit is found, it should be watered in time to keep the soil moist, prevent the rain from causing more abnormalities after the drought, and affect the commodity benefits.

Harvest in batches at the right time. Loofah is eaten with tender melon, so it is less elastic in the period of harvesting. It is usually 10 days from flowering to commercial melon production. The fruit stalk is smooth, the fruit is slightly discolored, the hair is reduced and the peel is soft, and the tender melon is noodles. When it is shiny, it can be harvested. If it is not harvested in time, not only the loofah fiber will age, but it will lose its edible value, and it will also affect the later fruit setting. It is better to cut the fruit with a scissors and a fruit handle in the morning.

Pest control of loofah. The main diseases of loofah are virus disease, downy mildew and powdery mildew. When it occurs, it can be treated with metalaxyl, triazolone spray, spray once every 7 days, even spray 2-3 times. Insect pests are mainly aphids, melons, and melons. The control can be used for 800 times of dimethoate, 5% of dead grams of 1000 times.

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