Tool companies need to change their minds to be efficient and advanced tools

China's tool companies are now mainly providing users with traditional standard tool products. It should be noted that China is now advancing from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. The number of high-speed and high-efficiency CNC machine tools and machining centers in the domestic manufacturing industry is rapidly increasing, and a large number of highly efficient and advanced tools are needed. Modern and efficient advanced tools (including high-efficiency CNC tools and personalized high-efficiency special tools) will gradually become the mainstream in the market. Some advanced machinery manufacturers have proposed to the tool factory to supply certain high-efficiency advanced tools and high-efficiency special tools. However, due to the lack of mental preparation and technical preparation of the tool factory, the supply cannot be satisfied (or only a small supply). At the request of machinery manufacturers, these plants use a large number of imported tools and products from foreign tool companies. In 2006, China imported 1 billion US dollars of tools, accounting for half of the total tool consumption. In the first half of 2009, imported tools reached 530 million US dollars (excluding domestic foreign-invested enterprises), and this situation needs to be changed.

1. China's tool enterprises need to change their concepts, and should provide "traditional standard tool products" from the simple to the user as soon as possible, and transform into the production of "advanced and efficient tools and personalized high-efficiency special tools".
The change of production concept and the transformation of production tasks are very arduous and require a lot of manpower and material resources. First, we must change the concept of production and management, pay attention to the production of high-efficiency and advanced tools, and recognize that this is the development direction of tool enterprises in the future. Efficient and advanced tools as the main production tasks and development direction of the enterprise. Secondly, it is necessary to invest a lot of technical force to develop, develop and produce all kinds of modern high-efficiency tools and individualized high-efficiency special tools. Third, to adapt to high-efficiency advanced tools. Production, also need to update to add expensive production equipment, improve manufacturing technology, enable the production of efficient and advanced tools quickly, high-quality, low-cost, fourth, pay attention to production services, help solve the problem of using high-efficiency advanced tools in production Various technical issues. Only when the tool enterprises in China complete the above-mentioned production concept and production technology transformation, and successfully replace the imported products with domestically produced high-efficiency advanced tools, can China's tool enterprises have great development and promising, and China's tool industry can be revitalized.

In the 1980s and 1990s, foreign tool companies completed the transformation from the production of traditional standard tool products to the mass production of high-efficiency and advanced tools, and now occupy a large part of China's tool market with its technological advantages. China's tool enterprises should be transformed into high-efficiency and advanced tools as soon as possible. It is necessary to recapture this part of the tool market through competition. Only in this way can tool factories have a future, and China's tool industry can be revitalized. China's tool factory has a good foundation and strong technical strength, as long as it can fully pay attention to the seriousness of this problem, change the production concept, invest sufficient manpower and material resources, and strive to seriously improve the performance and quality of the tool products, and supply to meet the manufacturing industry. For the demand for high-efficiency and advanced tools, we will replace the high-profile and advanced foreign tools with high quality and low price, and regain the most promising part of the tool market. It is completely achievable for China's tool enterprises to rise to a higher level in the path of technological development, gain new rapid development, and revitalize China's tool industry.

2. Tool companies must change their philosophy and pay attention to production services.
In the past, tool companies produced traditional standard tools, mainly selling, regardless of (or rarely) production services. However, after changing to the production of high-efficiency advanced tools, after-sales service needs to invest a lot of power, especially in the production, development and production of personalized and efficient advanced tools, but also need to invest a lot of technical strength, which only changes the production philosophy of the tool enterprise, It is possible to go and see. It must be recognized that in the future, the development of high-efficiency and advanced knives and individualized and efficient advanced knives will require a large amount of manpower and material resources to be transformed, but this is the only way for the future development of tool companies and cannot be avoided. Only when this transformation is realized at an early date will the factory be active and develop, otherwise the factory will only decline and be eliminated.

Tool companies must value the idea of ​​serving production and establishing production services. Need to go to the production unit to promote the use of a variety of efficient and advanced tools. Efficient and advanced tools have high technical requirements and often have problems in use due to poor mastery. Therefore, the after-sales service of tool companies is extremely important, and it is necessary to send them to the workshop to solve various technical problems that occur in the use of highly efficient advanced tools. The necessary technical strength is enough. In addition, the tool companies should also send technicians to the production enterprises. For the production needs, the company proposes the use of personalized new high-efficiency tool processing solutions, develops new special high-efficiency advanced tools, trials in production, and solves problems in use. Increased machining efficiency by achieving the actual use of new tools. The task of tool companies for production services is extremely important and arduous, and must be given priority.


Analytical Balance

An analytical balance is a highly precise laboratory instrument used to measure the mass or weight of samples with high accuracy and precision. It is commonly used in analytical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and other scientific fields where precise measurements are required. Analytical balances typically have a readability of 0.1 milligrams (0.0001 grams) or less and are designed to minimize external factors that may affect the measurement, such as air currents and temperature fluctuations. They often use a draft shield to protect the sample from external influences and have a built-in calibration system to ensure accurate readings. Analytical balances can be operated manually or electronically, and some models are equipped with advanced features such as automatic calibration, data storage, and connectivity to a computer or other devices.

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