Children's furniture is frequently trapped in "quality gate"

News from January 26th, the cute and colorful children's furniture helps parents to spend a happy childhood, but also makes parents worry. Children's furniture frequently falls into the "quality door". Who can guarantee its safety? In response to readers ’concerns about the quality of children ’s furniture, the editorial department of launched this afternoon the topic“ Children ’s furniture safety should be careful when buying furniture ”, which will track the latest reports and news events of children ’s furniture in all aspects , Purchase knowledge and other content, and report the progress of the event to the readers at the first time.

According to incomplete statistics, in the first half of 2010 alone, there were more than 20 children's furniture manufacturing enterprises exposed by the quality supervision department, including well-known brands such as Plateau Furniture, Ximengbao, Colorful Life, Dinghong Furniture.

On May 26, 2009, the Guangdong Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision announced the results of a special supervision and random inspection of children's furniture containing three types of wooden cabinets, beds and tables. It showed that 20 of the 62 batches of products were unqualified, not The pass rate is 32.3%, including well-known brands such as "Good e Home", "Dish Paradise", "Sunshine Rain Dew" and "Love My Home".

On May 31, 2010, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision announced the results of a random inspection on the quality of Shanghai-made children's furniture products. After inspection, there were 9 batches out of 24 batches.

On December 23, 2010, the Quality Supervision Bureau of Guangdong Province notified the quality status of children ’s furniture supervision and inspection, inspecting 52 batches of children ’s furniture products produced by 34 companies in 3 cities including Shenzhen, Foshan and Dongguan, with a pass rate of 76.9% .


Children's furniture will have serious consequences if the amount of formaldehyde released exceeds the standard. Heavy metals are mainly lead, cadmium, chromium, and mercury, all of which are common toxic substances. Exceeding these heavy metals and their compounds will cause significant harm to the human body. Children have tender skin and weak immunity, and the quality of children ’s furniture will directly affect children ’s health.

Children's furniture safety first, parents must be careful when buying furniture for their children, pay attention to environmental protection and safety factors to ensure that children can grow up healthily.
For more furniture information , go to

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