National strikes against liquefied gas adulterated dimethyl ether urgently need to formulate perfect rules

Since May of this year, a wave of liquefied petroleum gas (DMG) adulterated dimethyl ether (DME) has been set off across the country. Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and Jiangsu provinces have started cracking down on liquefied gas-blend DME.

However, the rationality of adding dimethyl ether to liquefied gas is also under discussion during this storm. Guangdong Province, the largest consumer of LPG, began to demonstrate the feasibility of adding dimethyl ether to liquefied petroleum gas in July. On September 8, a person from the Standardization Administration of the Guangdong Bureau of Quality Supervision disclosed that the proposal for adding dimethyl ether to liquefied gas is still not conclusive.

September 9 related to the Guangdong Gas Association, said the implementation of liquefied gas to add dimethyl ether, many processes need to be determined, and things are very complicated.

Regardless of whether dimethyl ether is used as a mixed fuel or a separate fuel, there are still many complexities in its promotion and application, among which the cost factor has become a major issue for users and companies.

Nationally called "DME"

The results of the survey conducted by the Guangxi Quality Supervision Department earlier this year showed that of the 55 samples tested, 20 were unqualified, and 17 were dimethyl ether-based samples. Companies suspected of blending liquefied petroleum gas with dimethyl ether accounted for the company being inspected. 45%. In addition to Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu and other places are also large-scale investigations and investigations in large numbers.

As early as May 22 of this year, the Guangxi Bureau of Quality Supervision exposed 10 liquefied petroleum gas companies to dope with dimethyl ether.

A month later, the fight against liquefied gas with dimethyl ether began to rise to the national level. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) announced on June 29 that due to the sale of some liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) filling units in the liquefied petroleum gas market, the sale of dimethyl ether poses hidden dangers to consumers' personal and property safety. This will be accompanied by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State Safety Supervision Bureau. The General Administration of Administration and the National Energy Administration jointly launched a special rectification campaign for liquefied petroleum gas across the country, focusing on inspections of illegal practices in the blending of dimethyl ether in liquefied petroleum gas, and adding "overfilled units with excessive dimethyl ether content in liquefied petroleum gas" to " The blacklist was exposed to the society.

Affected by this, domestic main dimethyl ether production enterprises suffered from production cuts or even production shutdowns for a period of time. At that time, the sales volume of dimethyl ether of the major domestic dimethyl ether manufacturer Hebei Kaiyue Company had been drastically reduced from the previous 800 to over 400 tons. .

Wang Yuezhou, vice chairman of Kaiyue Group, said that this move is tantamount to dereliction of DME as a civilian fuel illegal, which will make more companies fall into crisis.

However, people in the industry believe that at present, the geological bureaus do not investigate and deal with dimethyl ether, but add dimethyl ether to the liquefied gas in the illegal acts. According to the Circular on Issues Related to Cylinder Filling issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) in March 2008, it is stipulated that it is not allowed to add LME into LPG cylinders or unauthorised accession to welding cylinders. Chemical Additives".

"This is the specified special bottle principle." The person in charge of the Guangdong Gas Association believes that if liquefied gas cylinders are doped with dimethyl ether gas, they will corrode the aprons of gas cylinders, eventually leading to harmful gas leaks that endanger personal safety. The calorific value of dimethyl ether is only about 60% of the liquefied gas, and the liquefied gas added with dimethyl ether will also greatly reduce the calorific value.

One expert said that the temptation of an average price of 800 yuan per ton of dimethyl ether is lower than that of liquefied gas, which also makes more gas companies take the risk and sell dimethyl ether liquefied gas at a normal liquefied gas price to obtain a spread.

Replacement costs affect the promotion of dimethyl ether. A person in charge of a gas company stated that if dimethyl ether alone is promoted as a civilian fuel, then the stoves in residents' homes must be replaced. Valves that connect hoses must also be replaced. This will be a huge cost for ordinary residents and it will be unrealistic to replace it. "Dimethyl ether alone is used as a fuel to promote it. First of all, it will encounter replacement cost problems."

Mixing liquefied gas and dimethyl ether alone is not satisfactory.

An expert from the Guangdong Gas Association said that because the calorific value of liquefied gas after mixing dimethyl ether was reduced, the liquefied gas stove's flame was shortened, and the consumption of liquefied gas was also increased. The specific implementation was also very difficult.

Despite the difficulties in the promotion and implementation of dimethyl ether, production companies encounter the flaws of being “counterfeit”, which also prompted the government to formulate sound rules.

On July 30, 2010, the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision released the draft for the “Liquid Petroleum Gas Dimethyl Ether Composite Fuel”. The reporter learned that the consultation draft was closed on September 1. It was jointly drafted by the local dimethyl ether producers Jiutai and Jiufeng. The opinion states that liquefied petroleum gas can be blended with 20% or less of dimethyl ether.

Yao Daming, an analyst at the Guangdong Petroleum Association, believes that in addition to the cost of replacement, there are still many operational obstacles to the liquefied gas mixture of dimethyl ether. He believes that if liquefied gas is blended with less than 20% of dimethyl ether, the question arises as to who will perform the blending of dimethyl ether. Who is responsible for supervision? These are complicated and difficult problems.

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