Overview and status of magnetic biological fertilizer

Overview of magnetic bio-fertilizer China is a big agricultural country, and both fertilizer use and import volume rank first in the world. According to statistics, China's annual consumption of commercial fertilizers has exceeded 100 million tons, with sales of 200 billion yuan. With the development of agriculture, the sales of fertilizers in China have increased at a rate of about 10% per year for many years.
Since the introduction of chemical fertilizers (mainly urea, phosphate or potash) in agriculture since the beginning of the last century, the output of crops has doubled, making a significant contribution to solving the problem of human food and clothing. The dependence of modern agricultural production on fertilizers is almost the same as normal agricultural production without chemical fertilizers. Therefore, some people call modern agriculture "oil agriculture." According to statistics, 95% of the total commercial fertilizers in China are chemical fertilizers.
With the use of chemical fertilizers year after year, the problems of chemical fertilizers on the destruction of the land and ecological environment on which humans depend, and the threats to human food safety are gradually exposed, and become one of the hotspots of human sustainable development research. The main hazards of chemical fertilizers are:
1. Destroy the soil, damage the basic production capacity of the land, apply chemical fertilizers all the year round, cause a large number of microbial deaths in the soil, reduce the soil aggregate structure, and the physical indexes such as soil porosity, thermal insulation performance and field water holding capacity are all deteriorating. The degradation of the land has damaged its basic production capacity. Land is the mother of productivity, and the damage of land has left a huge hidden danger for the sustainable development of mankind.
Due to the degradation of soil fertility, in order to maintain production, farmers are investing more and more fertilizers in farmland, and the costs are getting higher and higher, while the net income is getting less and less. According to statistics, from 1984 to 1994, China's chemical fertilizer use increased by 90.7%, while grain production only increased by 9.19%. This is a very thought-provoking set of numbers. At the annual meeting of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development held in Beijing in October 2004, Professor Stuart of Canada pointed out: "China has less than one-tenth of the world's cultivated land, but in recent years, nitrogen use has accounted for nearly 30% of the world. %". The use of chemical fertilizers leads to the destruction of ground power, and the destruction of ground power has led to a greater use of chemical fertilizers. This vicious circle is a major problem that restricts the development of agriculture in China.
2, degrading the quality of crops, endangering the safety of the food chain, the use of chemical fertilizers, the fruit is not good, this seems to be a well-known fact. In recent years, the problem of nitrates and nitrite residues in agricultural products caused by chemical fertilizers has drawn more and more attention to the safety of human food.
Nitrate and nitrite are collectively referred to as nitrate nitrogen, which is a harmful substance to the human body. There are two main hazards: First, nitrate is easily reduced to nitrite. Nitrite can oxidize methemoglobin in human blood to methemoglobin, which makes it lose oxygen and cause hypoxia. Second, nitrite combines with certain organic substances to form nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic chemicals. Because the nitrate nitrogen introduced into the food by the fertilizer endangers the safety of the food chain, it has attracted the attention of the international community and governments. In 1962, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Food Organization (FAO) set the amount of nitrate nitrogen that the human body is allowed to consume daily. In recent years, many countries such as the European Community, Russia, and China have regulated the maximum content of nitrate nitrogen in vegetables. The strict international regulations on chemical fertilizer residues have become the "green barriers" for China's agricultural product exports, and have set great obstacles to China's agricultural participation in international market competition.
3, polluting the environment, destroying the ecological balance China's chemical fertilizer utilization rate is low, according to the statistical average effective utilization rate of only 30% -40%, the remaining 60% -70% as pollutants into the water or the atmosphere, causing groundwater pollution, rivers, lakes and shallow seas The waters are eutrophic, the algae are mad, the water is dehydrated, and aquatic organisms die. Because such sources of pollution are widely dispersed and have no clear location, they are called agricultural non-point source pollution. At the annual meeting of the China Environment and Development Cooperation Committee in 2004, Qu Geping, president of the China Environment Foundation, pointed out: "Fertilizer and pesticide pollution is a worldwide problem, but it is so fast in China, so serious. Shocked. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in China has reached the limit and has reached the point where it can't be cured."
A series of drawbacks of chemical fertilizers have not affected the development of the fertilizer industry. The strong demand has made the fertilizer industry expand rapidly at a rate of more than 10% per year. Moreover, since the advent of chemical fertilizers, chemical fertilizers have been invincible for decades, and their high-end status has always been high. Not questioned.
The successful research of magnetic bio-fertilizers has challenged the irreplaceable dominance of chemical fertilizers. In the production process of magnetic bio-fertilizer, the fertilizer that has been used as the end product is reduced to the production raw materials and semi-finished products. Fertilizer processed by magnetic bio-fertilizer technology can not only change one ton in volume, but also overcome many shortcomings of common fertilizer in performance. It has the advantages that some fertilizers do not have. Therefore, it can be called fertilizer. Upgrade or replace the product.
Magnetic bio-fertilizer is the latest high-tech achievement, which has been officially listed in the National Spark Program and passed the approval of the Fertilizer Registration Review Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture. The project uses bio-engineering technology to refine the traditional chemical fertilizers with the residue of agricultural products as the main raw material, and develops a new level of new fertilizer than traditional fertilizer.
The technical key of this project is to use long-term domestication by magnetic field mutagenesis to cultivate excellent strains resistant to high osmotic pressure, reduce the fermentation temperature and increase the fermentation speed (up to 20 times the fermentation speed). It overcomes the key problem of exhausting the nutrients in the matrix during the long-term high-temperature fermentation process. This kind of new fertilizer has reached the national three standards in quality: first, it has reached the national standard of biological fertilizer; second, it has reached the national standard of organic fertilizer; third, it has reached the national standard of compound fertilizer. Specifically: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (N, P2O5, K2O) total nutrient content ≥ 25%; organic content ≥ 25%; per gram of fertilizer containing total beneficial bacteria ≥ 0.2 billion. It shows high fertilizer efficiency and good comprehensive performance in use. The international online search by the patent department, the research results are at the forefront of the international market.
The project has experienced more than four years of cross-regional and multi-species planting experiments, and has achieved good results. Microbial Fertilizer Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Soil and Fertilizer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Luoyang City Agricultural Science Institute, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Shenzhen Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base and other domestic authorities, the performance and application of magnetic bio-fertilizer The effect was tested by application test and given a high evaluation.

Main features of magnetic bio-fertilizer
1. High fertilizer efficiency, increased yield and income increase The magnetic bio-fertilizer has passed the test of nine agricultural soil and fertilizer research units, and has experienced four years, in the geographical span from south to north, in various crops. Get scientific data on it. Strict scientific experiments by several authoritative scientific research institutions have proved that the contrast between magnetic bio-fertilizer and equivalent conventional fertilizers has obvious effect on increasing yield. Due to different regions and varieties, the increase in yield is different, generally increasing production by 20% to 30% for farmers to increase considerable income.
2. Compared with conventional compound fertilizer, the price is lower than 8%. In the production of magnetic bio-fertilizer, 50%~60% of the raw materials are agricultural waste, which can be directly purchased from local farmers, which can save a lot of freight. The low cost of raw materials can greatly reduce the production cost of fertilizer products. According to cost accounting, it is 8% lower than the current commercial fertilizer, which will enable farmers to increase production and income while reducing production input.
3. It has the characteristics of circular economy, which is conducive to changing the status quo of "oil agriculture" and conducive to sustainable economic development.
It took about half a century for China's agriculture to change from “organic agriculture” to “oil agriculture”. The so-called "oil agriculture" means that the source of fertilizer needed for agricultural production depends on limited petroleum mineral resources. Practice has proved that this industrial structure is a major obstacle to sustainable economic development.
On the other hand, China has a huge amount of agricultural waste resources, which are renewable. According to statistics, the total amount of crop straw in the country is 6.5 × 108 tons. Among them, directly returning to the field accounts for about 10%, about 25% of the feed is used to “return to the abdomen”, about 30% for rural life, less than 5% for industrial raw materials, and more than 30% for all straw. The remaining amount. In economically developed areas and suburbs of large cities, farmers have basically not used straw as fuel, and the remaining amount is 70% to 80%. Straw can not find a way out, but it has not only caused a lot of waste of resources, but also caused environmental pollution and became a major public hazard.
This project can make extensive use of crop straw, and each plant with an annual output of 50,000 tons can use about 25,000 tons a year. After the straw becomes the microbial treated organic matter, it is returned to the field efficiently. The production process of the product has obvious cyclic economic characteristics.
4. Improving soil and inhibiting land degradation Microbes are an important part of arable soil and an important carrier of soil vigor. The surface arable layer is formed with the participation of microorganisms, and the fertility of the soil is proportional to the amount of microorganisms in the soil. After a large amount of chemical fertilizer application, the high osmotic pressure formed by chemical fertilizers causes microbial death, the number is reduced, and the soil structure is destroyed, the aggregate structure is reduced, the physical and chemical properties are deteriorated, the soil compaction, the soil fertility is degraded, and the production capacity is reduced. Reflected in the production process, the amount of fertilizer invested by farmers in the field has increased year by year, while the output of agricultural products has not increased proportionately. Taking nitrogen fertilizer as an example, according to statistics, the application efficiency of global chemical nitrogen fertilizer (annual grain yield/nitrogen application rate) has decreased year by year, from 75% in 1960 to 25% in 1997, and global soil degradation is evident.
Magnetic bio-fertilizer is rich in organic matter and contains up to 20 million beneficial microorganisms per gram. After being applied to the soil, the microorganisms resurrect, grow and multiply under rich organic matter and suitable moist heat conditions, and their life activities are accompanied by soil aggregate structure. Regeneration and physical and chemical properties are developing in a benign direction. The research of the Soil and Fertilizer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences shows that after the application of the magnetic bio-fertilizer, the soil bulk density is reduced, the field water holding capacity is increased, and the physical properties such as soil water permeability are improved. After the application of magnetic bio-fertilizer, the company carried out special research, which showed that the physical and chemical properties such as soil bulk density, porosity and field water holding capacity were obviously benign.
5. Improve the quality of agricultural products, reduce the residues of harmful substances, and make agricultural products meet the national pollution-free standards.
The magnetic biological fertilizer is used in the production of leafy vegetables and fruit vegetables. The results of various trials reflect that the color of the vegetables is dark green, fresh, good taste, good taste, large fruit shape, improved external quality and improved commercial quality.
More importantly, after the application of the fertilizer, the residue of harmful substances can be reduced and the intrinsic quality of the product can be improved. According to the Shenzhen Fertilizer and Pesticide Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, the local inorganic compound fertilizer was applied, the nitrate residue was 2,083.98 mg/kg, the nitrite residue was 1.60 mg/kg, and the application of magnetic bio-fertilizer was reduced to 1512.30 mg/kg and 1.00 mg/kg were reduced by 28% and 38%, respectively. Compared with the inorganic compound fertilizer imported from Russia, the nitrate residue of the cabbage compound imported by the compound fertilizer was 4853.82mg/kg, and the nitrite residue was 0.14 mg/kg. Under the same management conditions, the nitrate residue of the magnetic biological fertilizer was applied. 1586.92 mg/kg, nitrite residue was 0.14 mg/kg, nitrate residue was reduced by 67%
In general, only in strict accordance with the "organic agriculture" production mode management, the full application of pure farm organic fertilizer vegetables, in order to achieve such a high standard level. However, such vegetables generally have low yields and high prices. The rare and valuable feature of magnetic bio-fertilizer provides a good material foundation for the development of pollution-free agriculture that is emerging in China. It also provides technical support for breaking the “green barriers” and allowing China's agricultural products to go abroad to participate in international competition.
6. Improve the utilization rate of pure nutrients and reduce the pollution of the loss part. The magnetic bio-fertilizer contains more than 20 million microorganisms per gram. Recent studies have shown that microbes play an important role in the material and energy cycling and transformation processes of the soil. Microorganisms participate directly or indirectly in almost all biochemical processes during the absorption of fertilizer by plants. Among the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorbed by plants, 60%, 47% and 28% of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be converted into microbial nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium before they can be absorbed by plants. If there is not enough microorganisms, this part of the nutrients will not be absorbed. This is one of the reasons why the utilization rate of common chemical fertilizers is only about 30%~40%, and it is also an important reason for the high utilization rate of magnetic bio-fertilizers.
Since the nutrients in the magnetic bio-fertilizer can be utilized in a high proportion, half a ton of purified fertilizer can be processed into one ton of magnetic biological fertilizer, and one ton of magnetic biological fertilizer is applied in the field, which is equivalent to using half a ton of purified fertilizer.
A large number of experiments and application results nationwide have proved that magnetic bio-fertilizer has low cost, high fertilizer efficiency, improved soil structure, reduced residues of harmful substances in crops, and reduced environmental non-point source pollution. The nutrient utilization rate of using magnetic bio-fertilizer has nearly doubled that of chemical fertilizers, reaching more than 60%; the use of magnetic bio-fertilizers has generally increased yields by more than 20% compared with the use of quantification of fertilizers; according to China's national pollution-free vegetable standards (GB18406) .1-2001) stipulates that the application of magnetic biological fertilizer can make vegetables reach the highest standard of pollution-free vegetables, namely Class III standard (the minimum standard is Class I standard, nitrate residue is less than 3800mg/kg, Grade II is less than 3000mg/kg, III The grade is less than 1600mg/kg). The use of magnetic bio-fertilizers effectively improves soil structure.
In April 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture rigorously evaluated and reviewed the magnetic bio-fertilizer, and issued the National Biological Fertilizer Temporary Registration Certificate to the project company; in May 2004, the project was listed as the “2004 National Spark Program” by the Ministry of Science and Technology; In April of the year, it was listed as a demonstration project of the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is currently conducting large-scale demonstration applications in Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and Hainan. Through the international online search of the patent department, no research results of similar technologies and products have been found. The project belongs to a new generation of agricultural fertilizer products with independent intellectual property rights to fill the international gap. The technical content and added value are high, and it is at the international advanced level, in line with the national industry. policy.
At present, it has signed cooperation agreements with more than a dozen companies, and established industrialized factories in cooperation with Xinjiang Production Materials Co., Ltd. and Zhengzhou First Agricultural Production Materials Co., Ltd. The industry generally believes that the successful development of magnetic bio-fertilizer will make China's agricultural development leap to a new level.
The development and application of magnetic bio-fertilizer has solved the key problems of sustainable development of rural areas, agriculture and farmers in China. It is of great significance for China to establish a resource-saving society and develop a recycling-oriented economy for the transformation of China and the global ecological environment. .
Product Description Magnetic bio-fertilizer is a new type of bio-fertilizer with inorganic compound fertilizer, organic compound fertilizer and microbial fertilizer standard. It is a national-level Spark Program.
The following features have a quick-acting and slow-acting double-layer effect. It has the advantages of increasing production, eliminating pollution to the environment and agricultural products, and improving the quality of agricultural products.
Improve the soil micro-ecological environment, eliminate the consolidation of fertilizers on the soil; improve soil, improve soil fertility, enhance soil water retention and fertilizer retention.
Can be used as the main fertilizer, does not change the original fertilization habits.
Compared with other compound fertilizers at the same cost, it has a good yield increase effect.
Method of use Base fertilizer: It can be applied as a base fertilizer at one time, or it can be applied as a base fertilizer according to the local fertilization habit.
Top dressing: It can be applied as a top dressing in the critical period of nutrition of crops, ditch application, and acupoint application.
Dosage: According to different soil quality and crops, generally 30-60 kg per mu, it can also be adjusted according to local conditions and habits.
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