Hardware Marketing Tools

The home appliance industry has over 10 billion enterprises, and there are not even several companies with annual sales of billions of dollars in the hardware industry. The only Chinese well-known trademark in the industry, Yajie Annual Sales, does not exceed 300 million; it can be said that the Chinese hardware market also In a time of no leader. We can always see the meteor flashing in the night sky during the marketing battle of the hardware market. The splendid moment is enough for our domestic business community to see where the hope lies. The way out is marketing personalization.

The personality characteristics of the Chinese hardware market are as follows:

1. Personal decoration is increasing, DIY shows its personality and taste

It is understood that before, most of the house decoration, please decorate the company to dry; can now own up to 54.3% of the decoration, which is enough to show that for consumers, the home decoration is not just a combination of floor tiles, wallpaper, but their own personality, grade The embodiment of the home atmosphere creates his own insights.

2, non-professionals grasp the right to buy construction materials

Because decoration is one of the biggest expenses in personal expenses, although most consumers are amateurs, more and more users (up to 91.2%) are participating in and taking the decision to buy. In the purchase decision process, although they will consult other people's opinions, they will also make decisions based on their actual situation and the judgment of the product.

3, on the surface is to look at the quality, in fact is to see the feeling

The focus of consumers' attention on building materials products is in the aspect of product quality (42.5% of the total). For such professional aspects, non-professionals can only choose good quality products based on their feelings and their recommendation.

The second is the price (27.3%). On the surface, consumers are concerned about prices. In fact, they are more concerned about cost-effectiveness. Each of the respondents is unable to get around the price. In large and medium-sized cities, it is not the lowest selling price. Well, on the contrary, it seems that the products are of good quality and good reputation, and the products with the best value are selling the best! In fact, their purchasing psychology is the same: the quality and value of the better value are their best choices.

4, consumers from the past do not care about the brand to gradually pay attention to the brand

Surveyed 63% of consumers do not remember the used hardware product brand, 28% of consumers believe that the use of non-branded products. Consumers are still far from the consciousness of brand consumption. However, as consumers pursue quality, individual attention to quality and cost-effectiveness is increasing during the renovation process. Li Xiang believes that consumers will never care about brands and begin to pay attention to building materials. Brand.

So, what is personal marketing? Personal marketing is the way to use the core value of the brand personality brand throughout the business operation from the beginning to the end, Tan Xiaofang teacher combined with perennial actual experience, summed up the individual marketing trilogy: Find the root of personality To form a tree of personality and spread the flower of personality.

1, find the root of personality

The first task is to find where brand personality is. Brand personality is often composed of four elements: personalized customer, personalized demand, personalized product, and personalized area.

2, form a tree of personality

Entrepreneurs must be optimized from the service, business, and management processes to ensure that the entire operating system can support, form, and continuously improve the brand personality is not a hollow beautiful words, but can be truly perceived by customers.

3, spread the flower of personality

The last step is the in-depth dissemination of brand personality, making brand personality a competitive advantage that captures the forefront. Teacher Tan Xiaofang believes that the essence of personalized marketing is to guide the market through value innovation rather than to cater to the market. This is the advantage and charm of personalized marketing.

In the tourism industry, in the face of increasingly “individualized” tourists, our marketing staff can exactly tailor travel plans based on the preferences and needs of tourists like clothing stores. The tour packages strive to make tourism destinations, hotels, restaurants and activities conform to the preferences of tourists. Personalized competition requires key factors to be done in particular. Success lies in finding or creating its own strengths. This requires the ability to plan people's original marketing. Let's look at the following cases:

1, Disney

Walt Disney is not just a visionary planner, but he is also an accomplished marketing expert. Walt Disney has been using individualized marketing strategies for many years and is highly skilled in creating a mental image that resonates with target customers.

You can download videos of the female star Miley Cyrus from the Disney website, you can also enter Disney world to play a role game, and even create a robot like the movie "Robo." You will experience so many things. You will have different outcomes than others. In the process of interacting with many characters, you have to believe in Disney's philosophy: "Everything can happen, you can create anything Fantastic memories."

Even more incredible is that you just send text messages on your mobile phone and you will be able to "experience the Disney World".

2. Blood type restaurant

An Indian restaurant took the "blood type" to start an article. They recently introduced a different health menu based on different "blood types".

This is a buffet restaurant in Hyderabad, India. However, don't think that you can eat without difficulty when you enter the buffet restaurant. Here, you have to carefully observe which dish is for people with A blood type. What people in B blood type eat will help maintain their size.

It turned out that this buffet restaurant was marked with the right blood type for everyone next to each dish. The restaurant manager stated that the body of each blood type is different. They introduced this "blood health recipe" to allow consumers to better diets based on their own conditions, help control weight, and make people feel energetic.

3, the case of the footwear industry

It can be said that not only tourism and other industries are increasingly demanding personalized marketing. For example, some shoe-making enterprises have positioned the market as a group with special requirements for shoes, such as professional athlete groups, and a small company with only a dozen employees in the UK has taken another path to make a fuss about the insole. Do not underestimate these inconsolable insoles, each price up to 190 pounds, a lot more expensive than a pair of brand-name sports shoes. If athletes want to order, the cost is several times that of regular insoles.

The company named "Sub-4" has a short history of only 4 years. They have conducted a comprehensive study and found that the human body is not an absolute symmetry. For professional athletes, two legs of different lengths may be more vulnerable to injury. Therefore, they developed insole that can adjust body balance. At the beginning of the company's establishment, it produced only 10 pairs of insoles per week, and now it can only produce 80 to 90 pairs per week.

Many people need personalized insoles, 95% of our customers are custom-made, of which 2% are athletes. Athletes order our insoles not for wear during the game, but for regular training because our insoles help them recover from injuries.

The British 3000-meter hurdle racer Stuart Stokes had such a pair of insoles after five hours of testing and 400 British pounds. He said: "I have problems with my knee. This pain is definitely more troublesome after the age increases. But when I use the "Sub-4" insole, the body becomes balanced and I feel a lot better after two days. ."

As everyone knows, shoes also contain high-tech factors. Although Delcam has only 800 employees, its customers are all over the world. After an athlete stands on the company’s 20,000-dollar instrument for a few minutes, they can design and manufacture them in a targeted way. Tailor-made shoes. As you can imagine, the price of shoes must be high. However, in order to wear comfortable shoes, many athletes have become their clients in order to obtain good results.

"Customized marketing concept" is the inevitable outcome of the market microcosmic development. It requires product providers to provide the market with a variety of product choices, so that consumers "when they have, do not ask for anything".

The author believes that: marketers should learn from the essence of their warfare - not only to grasp the consumer personality, dominant consumer psychology, but also to obey it, echo it. In the end, Tan Xiaofang, a corporate training lecturer, hopes that with the help of personalized marketing weapons, the business community colleagues will break through the “Fortress Besieged City” of the model marketing and usher in their “Vivid”!

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