The machine tool industry faces a major reshuffle of international giants

On April 11th, the 12th China International Machine Tool Exhibition of CIMT2011 was officially opened. As the organizer of this exhibition, Wu Bolin, executive vice president of China Machine Tool & Tool Industry Association, said the difference between this machine tool exhibition and previous years: “The global machine tool industry is about to establish a new pattern.” In other words, this exhibition is at a critical time for the international machine tool industry to reshuffle. Emerging markets helped the machine tool industry to hold a high-level international forum on “Technology Innovation to Meet the Post-Crisis Era” on the day before the opening of the exhibition. The consensus reached by industry experts was: due to the impact of the global financial tsunami in 2008, as the cornerstone of manufacturing, the machine tool industry After a period of pain, it is now welcoming the recovery of the post-crisis era: on the one hand, the financial crisis has led to a sluggish manufacturing industry. Due to the sharp reduction in orders, some weaker companies have been unable to withstand the impact and have collapsed, and the powerful industry giants are not allowed. Not facing the problems of reduced demand and increased costs; on the other hand, the impact of the financial crisis on the virtual economy has caused countries to re-emphasize the real economy represented by manufacturing in the post-crisis era, and the global manufacturing upgrade has led to customer demand. With the upgrade, the traditional ordinary machine tool products that used to occupy a dominant position gradually gave way to intelligent and innovative products represented by high-end CNC machine tools. Therefore, some enterprises that are lagging behind in technological innovation will also be eliminated. With the economic recovery gradually on the right track, the development trend of high-end equipment manufacturing such as machine tools has changed significantly. The chairman of the Technical Committee of the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association, Ibaraki, said that the machine tool industry in the post-crisis era is being developed mainly by 800 million people. The shift from national services to emerging markets with a population of 4 billion has made the machine tool industry a leader in global economic growth. The infrastructure equipment, durable consumer goods represented by automobiles, and civilian products such as mobile phones and home appliances constitute the three major consumer demands of the machine tool industry. Due to the above changes in the industry environment and customer demand, coupled with the global demand for a low-carbon economy, machine tools must be highly informative and artificially simulated. The description of the flowers and trees properly outlines the basic framework of the new global machine tool industry in the future. In this situation, companies from all over the world have taken the initiative to go all out to meet market demand and expand market share. “This situation is reflected in the performance of exhibitors at this exhibition,” said a domestic machine tool industry insider. “In the past, some international giants came to China to exhibit, and often did not bring the most advanced flagship products to the exhibition. The world's major players in the world have not only come in full, but also come up with housekeeping products. It is inevitable that the reshuffle will be inevitable, so the international giants are becoming more and more aware of the position, and at the same time paying more attention to China's largest market in the world. It can be imagined." It is understood that in 2010 China has become the world's largest machine tool consumer, with a consumption of up to 25 billion US dollars. The overall upgrade is influential in the market demand and environment of the imperative machine tool industry, driving the giants to pay more attention to the emerging markets represented by China, and vigorously research and develop high-end intelligent automation products to meet mainly from automobile manufacturing, aerospace, marine engineering and transportation. Great demand for transportation and other aspects. And the savvy industry giants apparently smelled this industry change at the earliest, and have quietly made efforts in product upgrades and market expansion. Tosten Schmidt, a member of the board of directors of DMG Group, a world-renowned machine tool company, said that the company has invested about 600 million yuan each year in research and development, and focused on producing products that allow customers to effectively increase their productivity. The first priority is to understand the customer's needs and provide solutions for it. It's like hanging a picture, what the customer really wants is the whole process from drilling holes, nailing, to painting, not just the whole process. It is an electric drill. Our current product positioning is not only focusing on the machine itself, but also finding a complete solution for the customer.” Schmidt said that due to this idea, the company has provided virtual machine products to customers. That is, the staff can complete the whole process of machine tool processing by simply operating the computer. “We have also established an automation company to complete the robot solution. The main purpose of this is to reduce manual errors and, of course, to save labor costs.” Another industry giant, Japan’s MAZAK senior managing director, Yamazaki Takahata, also expressed Customers provide complete solutions and ideas for developing robotic operations to reduce labor costs. “Our development focus is unmanned operation, which is the key to the success of today's manufacturing industry. Because the current global labor costs are rising, and high-end technicians are in serious shortage, the best solution is to achieve unmanned operation. Yamazaki also said that unmanned and automated technology is also an indispensable technology for the Chinese machine tool industry in the future, which is reminiscent of the layout of MAZAK in the Chinese market. At present, the company not only has branches in Beijing and Chongqing, but also has production plants in Ningxia, and has set up technical research and development centers in Dalian, Guangzhou and Shanghai. According to industry analysts, many Japanese companies are likely to accelerate overseas distribution due to the impact of the Japanese earthquake. China, as the largest consumer market, will naturally not be let down by Japanese companies. In the face of increasingly fierce international competition in the industry, domestic companies are also planning the world. Long Xingyuan, chairman of Qinchuan Machine Tool, admitted that the upgrading of demand structure marked by consumption upgrade is one of the prominent features of the current machine tool industry. This requires the overall transformation and upgrading of the machine tool industry. In addition to working on products, it is also necessary to combine design and consultation. And sales services and other aspects. At present, the domestic automobile industry is the main consumer of the machine tool industry, accounting for as much as 70%. Unfortunately, such a huge market has been accounted for 80% by imported machine tools. However, this also shows from the side that the Chinese machine tool industry has a large market space in the future. At the same time, he said that in addition to the automotive industry, domestic machine tool enterprises should also pay attention to market expansion in the solar photovoltaic industry and the consumer electronics industry. “There are more than 100 billion consumer demand in the photovoltaic industry, but there are very few domestic machine tool companies.” Long Xingyuan also admitted that the domestic machine tool industry still needs more efforts in precision, high efficiency and product reliability. “These three points are our weakness.” Cheng Fenglan, chief engineer of Qiqihar Second Machine Tool, also said that “big but not strong, wide but not precise is the common problem of domestic products. The high-end machine tools needed by key industries still need to be imported.” With the re-emphasis on the machine tool industry in the post-crisis era, and the rise of trade protectionism, China's machine tool industry faces many challenges, and the solution is technological innovation.

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