Experts answer: Why does stainless steel rust?

>>> Kitchen door and sink maintenance Tips

Question 1 Is the sink magnetic?

A: If the sink is magnetic, there are two reasons:

First: Material problem. Stainless steel is classified into austenitic, martensitic, ferritic, and precipitated hard stainless steels. Among these, austenite is the best material for making sinks, and 304 is preferred for austenite. However, the price of 304 materials is relatively high. At present, some domestic small plants use lower-priced and less expensive 201, 202 stainless steels to reduce costs. What's more, some sink manufacturers also use steel plates (commonly referred to as tumbling materials) made from waste materials and recycled materials. The sinks made from these materials are not only magnetic but also have uneven compositions and are prone to rust.

Second: After austenite undergoes stretching, extrusion, and other cold-working processes, magnetic properties may be induced due to stress changes. The greater the deformation degree of cold working, the more the martensite transformation and the greater the magnetic properties of the steel, especially at the corners, the deformation is more intense and magnetic is more obvious.

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