Beautiful and practical how to buy paint floor

In recent years, lacquer-finish flooring has become popular in the market. This type of floor is essentially a laminate flooring. It is just a layer more than a laminate floor, but this lacquer finish makes the laminate flooring look like a solid wood floor. Therefore, the paint floor is loved by many consumers. However, the quality of lacquer floors sold on the market is not uniform. Consumers who do not understand professional knowledge will accidentally be deceived. In order to avoid this situation, we will introduce how to buy beautifully used lacquer flooring. :

>>> Link: Graphic: How to read the floor test report

First, to the formal furniture store to buy

In order to ensure that the floor they buy has a good after-sales service, consumers are advised to purchase it in a formal furniture store so that if there is any quality problem, they will find the furniture store directly.

Second, ask the business to ask the product quality specification

The product's quality statement will indicate the various materials used to make the floor. Consumers must look at what kind of paint is used to paint the floor. At present, there are two kinds of paint used for the paint floor, UV, PU paint. Relatively speaking, PU paint quality is relatively good, the surface will have a clear texture, it will not appear from the shell, so consumers choose the paint floor when the best choice PU paint floor.

Third, carefully check the quality of the paint

High-quality varnished floor surface paint film will be uniform, smooth, no blisters, holes and paint stripping, consumers can touch the hand when buying, feel the smoothness of the paint surface, and carefully check to see if There are bubbling and other phenomena, if you find a bad phenomenon, consumers are better not to buy this floor.

Floor purchase paint furniture

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