The more the chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used, the worse the control effect is. The real reason is “human disaster”!

In recent years, vegetable growers who planted cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables have reflected that from the results to the various diseases of the rattan vines, various diseases have crossed and overlapped, and it is impossible to fight drugs every day.

The better the economic benefits, such as grapes, citrus, etc., the fertilizer input is increasing year by year, while the crop yield is not increasing, and some are getting worse. The outbreak of pests and diseases is serious, and the problems of poor coloring, cracking of fruit and roots are endless.

Dead crops, withered, yellow wilting, root rot, soft rot, green wilt, virus, root knot nematode, etc. have become stubborn pests and diseases, high cost of prevention, and poor effect......

The prices of the corresponding agricultural products have fallen all the way, the price of fruits is falling, and the prices of vegetables and food are also falling. On the one hand, the more fertilizers and pesticides are used, the worse the control effect is. On the other hand, the income earned by farmers by farming is becoming less and less.

Why is this? Is the pesticide and fertilizer getting more and more smashed?

Is it a natural disaster? It is not completely

Natural disasters are only incentives. The real reason is "human disasters"!

The author has been engaged in the agricultural industry for more than ten years. The phenomenon that has been observed concludes that there are three root causes for the growing pests and diseases:

1 Long-term over-irrational application of fertilizers, resulting in soil compaction, acidification and salinization, severe imbalance of nutrients, resulting in low crop immunity.

Many years ago, one acre of grapes was given a pack of urea, two or three hundred pounds of phosphate fertilizer, and one hundred kilograms of potash fertilizer was used to produce the quality of the lever. Now it is known that some farmland has applied 500 kilograms of potash fertilizer, but the quality is still inexhaustible. People's mind. Where is the problem? It is because the soil structure is destroyed! For example, if potassium is applied more, the plant will absorb calcium and boron and cause difficulties such as magnesium deficiency. If I say that potassium fertilizer will increase the cracking in some cases, no one will believe it, but this is the case.

For example, if phosphorus is applied more, it will combine with calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, aluminum, etc. in the soil to form a hardened material that is difficult to decompose, breaking the soil agglomerate structure, causing acidification of the soil, and simultaneously losing the activity of calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and phosphate fertilizer. The applied fertilizer has little or no effect. The soil problem directly leads to low crop immunity. In fact, if you look at it a lot, you will find a phenomenon. The land that has just been planted in the wasteland does not use much fertilizer, the crops grow very well, and the disease is few.

2 large doses, high frequency, unscientific use of pesticides, resulting in increasingly strong pest and disease resistance.

On the one hand is excessive fertilization caused serious damage to the soil micro-ecological balance, crop immunity is getting worse, on the other hand caused by excessive use of drugs to enhance resistance to pests, diseases and insect pests cause more and more intractable, even no cure .

For example, the beef grass, many years ago glyphosate was gently cured, the previous year glyphosate plus Jiahe Ling can also get it, last year generally reflected that this formula can not be killed, to use glufosinate plus Jiaheling Healed. This is the simplest example of how weed resistance develops.

Red spiders are difficult to fight. In the past year, a long-acting drug was used for a summer. Last year, some orchards hit three or four times and the long-acting drugs were not finished in the summer. This example is too numerous to mention.

The weather here is part of the reason, and irrational use of drugs also has a lot to do with it. Rational use of drugs at least the speed at which pests develop resistance will be greatly reduced.

The most amazing example I have ever encountered is that citrus preservatives are used by Shi Bao Kejia Mixan (the ingredient of Shi Baoke is prochloraz), and of course other medicines are added to the formula. So the effect of the year is, but in the second year, the third year? There are also red spider drugs, I have also seen the use of endangered snail ester plus avermectin and avermectin ( The endangered ingredient is snail ester, and Averid has avermectin.) Anyone with a little common sense knows that such repeated additions are meaningless and only increase the resistance to pests and diseases.

There is also a more concealed example of repeated medications, such as carbendazim and thiophanate. Although the names are different, the ingredients are different, but the actual two things are the same. After the use of thiophanate, it is converted into carbendazim for sterilization. Also, for example, dimethomorph and flumorph have positive cross-resistance, and both metalaxyl and carbendazim have positive cross-resistance.

There are too many such examples. It can be said that about half of the drugs we use are positively interactive. Unreasonable blind medication, farmers do not understand plus the agricultural bourgeoisie do not understand or even know how to make more money in order to make more money or to complete a product sales task, this is one of the root causes of the current pests and diseases.

3 years of heavy planting caused the pathogen index to rise linearly, and the problem of soil deficiency and accumulation of drugs became more and more serious.

Everyone has an understanding of the orchard that has just been planted for several years, that is, the garden has fewer pests and diseases than the old garden. Many people understand that the resistance of young trees is strong. Actually, it is not, but the years of cultivation are many. The accumulation of pathogens in the soil, the accumulation of soil and the imbalance of nutrition.

Have you ever noticed that occasionally a wild fruit tree (such as grapes, such as cockroaches) in the field never cares about it, does not fertilize it or give it medicine, it rarely gets sick? Why? Have you seriously thought about this problem? Of course, I am not here to encourage everyone not to apply fertilizer, do not fight drugs, large areas of fertilization can not have production, no drugs and no pests. Even if your home garden is particularly good, the pests and diseases in other people's gardens will be infected.

The above is the reason for several "man-made disasters" that I have summarized. The peasants want to cultivate a good attitude and the limitations of the theoretical knowledge possessed by most agricultural bourgeois companies, coupled with the profitability of merchants, lead to more and more serious problems of indiscriminate fertilization and drug use, leading to a vicious circle.

This phenomenon is not something that one or two people can change. It is not that the results of this year are not good. You can solve it by buying a place to buy medicine next year. The only thing we can do is to improve our theoretical knowledge and learn how to farm scientifically in order to gradually improve.

So in the face of the above problems, how should we face it? The author briefly puts forward a few points for your reference.

Scientific fertilization, nutrition and disease prevention

Rational fertilization can not only promote crop growth, but also reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. This is something that people who have visited my orchard have a deep understanding. My home orchard uses at least one-third less medicine per year than everyone else, but the pests and diseases are less than most orchards. The reason is mainly that the trees are strong and resistant to pests and diseases.

We need to clarify the role and relationship between each element such as NPK, calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, iron, zinc, manganese and boron. Which stage should be used, and in which case which type of fertilizer should be used, in which case we should control the application of an element. Everyone must have a general understanding.

For example, the spring of Li’s family was particularly prosperous in the autumn, and there were some flowers on the autumn tips. I thought that next year will definitely be a productive year. As a result, in the second year, I spent a few flowers, but at that time I looked down on Zhang’s. Although the tree is not good, it costs a lot in the second year. This is a typical example of excessive nitrogen fertilizer in the later period. The nitrogen fertilizer is too much, and the tree is long, causing poor flower bud differentiation.

In addition, attention should be paid to the application of organic fertilizers, which can improve soil aggregate structure, increase soil organic matter, fertilize soil fertility, and decompose some harmful substances. But the emphasis is not on blindly reapplying, and everyone should pay attention to this. This year I encountered several cases of applying organic fertilizer roots. It must be applied when applying organic fertilizer. If it is not decomposed, it must not be applied.

Get out of the misunderstanding of pesticides

Most people's point of view is that as long as the use of drugs and pests can prevent and control, the use of drugs is not effective or not cured is the drug is embarrassing. The use of pesticides to control crop diseases is a palliative measure that does not fundamentally solve the problem of crop diseases. Instead, it brings a series of evil consequences, such as increased drug resistance and increased production costs.

The most fundamental measure to control crop pests and diseases should be to cultivate robust plants through scientific cultivation management and balanced nutrient supply, so that crops are less sick or disease-free, thus using less pesticides. Nowadays, the common problem in fertilization is that everyone is in a hurry. Seeing that others are buying a certain brand of fertilizer, everyone buys it. Seeing that others are applying fertilizer, they also apply it, but basically not based on the soil in their garden. The situation, the situation of the tree, the situation of the fruit, etc. are treated differently.

Another typical situation, such as downy mildew, why some of the same medicine can cure some gardens can not be cured, there is a problem of potassium and calcium in the tree, the grape with more calcium is more resistant to disease, also The garden with excessive nitrogen fertilizer is not resistant to disease. Some people will be confused. He said that I obviously applied calcium fertilizer. Isn't this an excuse for your medicine? Potassium affects the attraction of calcium. One person even applies potassium and calcium at the same time. This kind of application is equivalent to the case of no application, but many examples can be found.

Try to be as refined as possible

The so-called fine management, including the concentration of the drug used, the application method, the application time, the soil deep turn, digging the drainage ditch, trimming the bag, etc., as well as the choice of drugs for the climate, some drugs need low temperature The effect is good, some medicines need high temperature, the effect is good, these are all you need to know.

A lot of things can't be taken for granted. There must be a scientific basis. It is more useful to know more about other people's mistakes than to understand their successful experiences. Because of the difference in soil quality, you may not have good results when you completely copy other people's experiences. Under the conditions of the so-called successful experience, we must analyze it before use. For example, last year's drought, you used a hundred kilograms of urea in an acre of land. The quality of the fruit is very good. You will use a hundred kilograms of urea this rainy year. Big loss.

Some people have encountered the same medicinal fertilizer in a field, but half of them have a serious disease, and the other half has almost no such disease. Why are these problems? Because the soil is different, Or because the varieties are different, is it because the source of the seedlings here is different or because the light is good there? Ask a few more questions, more analysis, always find the reason.

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