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Kitchen customization is becoming more and more popular nowadays. However, many consumers have expressed that they are very distressed during the renovation. They do not know how to choose the cabinets. There are two reasons why these distressed friends are just two reasons. They do not know how to look at quality. There is no idea how big the size of the election, Xiao Bian gave you a good talk today.

First, determine the manufacturers

When we fully understand the market, we have a clear understanding of the product quality, service, strength and style of each cabinet manufacturer and choose their own customized cabinets.

Second, appointment time

After the application is customized, the customer can make an appointment to measure the designer's door-to-door measurement. The designer designs the rendering based on the results of the volume room. Since designing the kitchen is a professional job, finding an experienced designer can have a multiplier effect.

Third, design kitchen

A three-party customer, a survey designer, and a home improvement company are required to plan the layout of the kitchen and determine the location of waterways, circuits, and appliances. The survey designer should give the waterway, circuit diagrams, and meet the construction standards.

Fourth, design cabinets

When waterways, circuits, and tiles are in place, measuring the exact dimensions ensures that the entire kitchen is tightly fitted.

requires attention:

1. Is there enough space in the cooking area, washing area, storage area, and cooking area?

2. Whether the height of the cabinet and the height of the countertop meet the actual needs of the ergonomics and the cooks.

3, whether the space outside the cabinet can guarantee the normal operation requirements.

Cabinet custom cabinets

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