Energy saving and emission reduction promotes the road to economical building materials industry

The total energy consumption of the hardware and building materials industry ranks fourth in the national industrial sector after power, metallurgy and petrochemical. In the development strategy of “from big to strong, relying on new strength”, it is clearly stated that “the hardware and building materials industry should establish an energy-saving, soil-saving and water-saving production system.”

In the past, the hardware and building materials industry has long been a "small, scattered, poor", accompanied by the problem of excessive consumption of resources and energy. Today, the energy consumption of industrial added value of building materials has decreased from 9.53 tons of standard coal in 2000 to 3 tons of standard coal in 2010 (estimated), a drop of 68.5%, and pollutant emissions per unit of building materials industry decreased. While building its own energy-saving and emission-reducing, the hardware and building materials industry has gradually realized a big cycle with the society. Beishui, Conch and Yuebao Cement use cement kiln to co-dispose toxic and hazardous waste, municipal solid waste and sewage treatment plant sludge. Success in all types of waste. The development process of the implementation of the "Strategy" in the building materials industry for 15 years is an energy-centered industrial structure adjustment process, and it is a process of continuously exploring how to promote the industry's economic development.

Traditional industry energy consumption has dropped significantly
The hardware and building materials industry continues to rely on independent innovation to continuously develop new technologies, new processes, new equipment, new products and new industries that conserve resources and energy, and continuously adjust the technical structure, accelerate the development of energy-saving technologies, and accelerate the elimination. The backward technology and technology will truly save energy and reduce emissions.

The industrial added value energy consumption of hardware and building materials decreased from 9.53 tons of standard coal in 2000 to 3 tons of standard coal in 2010 (estimated), a drop of 68.5%. The utilization of industrial solid waste from building materials increased from 170 million tons in 2000 to 600 million tons in 2010 (estimated), an increase of 3.5 times that of 2000. The cement industry has vigorously promoted pure low-temperature waste heat power generation. In 2009, it has achieved a total installed capacity of 3,300 MW. China only consumes more than 200 million tons of industrial solid waste per year by producing new wall materials, which is equivalent to saving more than 200 million tons of resources. While conserving resources, it also reduces the land occupied by solid waste storage and is effective. Improved environmental quality. According to estimates, in 2008, the energy consumption of new wall materials compared to solid clay bricks reduced by more than 16 million tons of standard coal, directly reducing CO2 emissions by nearly 42 million tons, SO232 tons. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, the energy consumption per unit of cement clinker in China decreased by 13%. This is because the energy consumption per unit of new dry process technology is 20% lower than that of vertical kiln (2005 new proportion of dry clinker production of cement clinker accounted for 39%) %, increased to 72% in 2009).

In the production of flat glass, the heat loss of float glass is 18% lower than that of ordinary flat glass. In the production of flat glass in 2005, the float process accounted for 79%, and in 2009 it increased to 84%. The increase in the proportion of float glass reduces the energy consumption per unit of flat glass.

New industries and new technologies continue to develop
Guided by the development strategy of “from big to strong, relying on new strength”, the building materials industry actively develops and produces new wall materials and energy-saving doors and windows and roofing materials, promotes the application of comprehensive energy-saving insulation systems and technologies, and makes full use of various industries. Waste, vigorously develop new wall material products that are energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and accelerate the development of building envelope materials such as energy-saving doors and windows.

Taking the wall material innovation as an example, with the promotion of the “forbidden and practical limit” policy across the country, the production of clay solid bricks in China is declining year by year. On the basis of introducing and digesting foreign advanced technology and equipment, the new wall materials have developed internationally advanced equipment technology through technological innovation, such as shale, coal gangue and fly ash as raw materials for sintered hollow products. technology. Industrial solid wastes such as fly ash, coal gangue, slag, desulfurization gypsum and phosphogypsum can be used as raw materials for the production of new wall materials.

In recent years, the building materials industry has increased the research and development of energy-saving building materials and technologies. Such as: LOW-E low-radiation energy-saving glass has achieved rapid development; energy-saving door and window development and application has effectively solved the thermal bridge cold bridge broken bridge technical problems; various new energy-saving insulation wall materials such as aerated concrete products, high hole rate sintering Bricks, foam concrete and Other developments are rapid; the quality of building waterproof materials is significantly improved; integrated composite multi-functional wall products fill the gaps in building energy-saving walls.

In fact, the building materials industry involves more than 20 industries, and the high-energy-consuming industries are mainly cement, flat glass, lime, building ceramics, and lightweight building materials. The comprehensive energy consumption of the 10,000 yuan added value of these industries is higher than the national average industrial level, and its energy consumption accounts for 89% of the total energy consumption of the building materials industry.

Glass fiber reinforced plastics, building stone, mica and asbestos products, thermal and acoustic insulation materials, waterproof materials, earth and gravel mining, technical glass, cement products and other industries in the building materials industry, the comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000 yuan added value is lower than the national GDP energy consumption . In 2009, the added value of low-energy consumption industries in the building materials industry reached 44%, which was 7 percentage points higher than that in the end of the 10th Five-Year Plan. In recent years, the development speed of low-energy industries such as cement products, building stones, glass fiber and technical glass has far surpassed that of traditional industries such as cement. The proportion of cement industry in the building materials industry has dropped from 34% in 2005 to 26 in 2009. %.

Great potential for energy saving and emission reduction
In terms of energy saving and emission reduction, China's hardware building materials industry has great potential.

The first is the energy saving and emission reduction potential of structural adjustment. Accelerating the pace of industrial restructuring, replacing backward production processes with advanced production techniques, vigorously developing new dry-process cement processes, and accelerating the pace of wall material innovation are one of the important ways for building materials industry to save energy and reduce consumption.

The new dry process cement production process replaces the backward production process such as shaft kiln, and the heat consumption per unit clinker can be reduced by about 25%. According to the new dry process cement ratio increased from 70% to 95%, it can save about 16 million tons of standard coal consumption per year, and reduce CO2 emissions by about 41 million tons.

In the wall material industry, we will further increase the work of wall material innovation, accelerate the development of new wall materials, and gradually replace clay solid bricks. If the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the proportion of new wall materials will reach 65%. By increasing 7 percentage points in 2010, it can save 4.6 million tons of standard coal per year and reduce CO2 emissions by about 11.5 million tons. The second is the energy saving and emission reduction potential of technological progress.

Technological progress is the basis for energy conservation and consumption reduction in the industry. There is still a considerable proportion of backward production processes in China's building materials industry, which has become one of the constraints of energy conservation development in the industry. The energy consumption level of China's building materials industry is not only different from the international advanced level, but the energy consumption levels of enterprises of different scales are also different.

The third is to improve the quality of energy conservation and emission reduction potential. The service life of buildings in China is generally lower than that of developed countries. From the analysis of the quality of building materials, the quality of building materials due to some backward processes directly affects the service life of construction projects. For example, the average amount of cement per cubic meter of concrete in China is 20-30 kg higher than that of developed countries, which increases the energy consumption of the building materials industry as a whole. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, if we start from the aspects of engineering design and material use, we can reduce the energy consumption of the building materials industry by extending the service life of buildings, reducing material waste and reducing the total consumption of building materials. carbon emission.

Fourth, the potential for energy conservation and emission reduction for comprehensive utilization cannot be underestimated. In this respect, not only can a large amount of energy be saved, but also a large cycle of society and society can be realized to effectively treat urban sludge and municipal waste. Beishui, Conch, and Yuebao Cement have succeeded in cooperating with various wastes such as toxic and hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, and sewage treatment plant sludge by using cement kiln.

Taking the cement industry as an example, cement is not only an industry that pollutes and pollutes the environment, but also an industry that optimizes the environment; not only produces material products, but also cement plants around the city become purifiers for urban environments. Practices at home and abroad have proved that the use of cement kiln to co-dispose and dispose of municipal sludge, domestic garbage and toxic and hazardous industrial waste has high incineration temperature, long residence time of waste in kiln, stable incineration state, and many incineration disposal points. Strong, no waste slag discharge, can cure most of the heavy metal ions in the waste, heat recovery and resource utilization effect is good, saving nearly 50% of energy. It can solve the problems of large investment and secondary pollution in landfill and incineration treatment to a large extent.

In developed countries in Europe and America, the use of cement kiln to co-dispose municipal waste and sludge has mature technology and practice. China's use of cement kilns to dispose of municipal waste and sludge is in the initial stage of rapid development. Currently, cement companies in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, such as Beishui, Conch, Yuebao, Huaxin, Lafarge and other cement companies. It has made useful explorations in the joint disposal of municipal sludge, toxic and hazardous waste, solid waste and domestic garbage in cement kiln, and achieved certain results.

Even so, China's cement industry is still far from the developed countries such as Europe and the United States in the use of combustible waste. If China can make breakthroughs and actively promote this in the next few years, according to the secondary fuel replacement rate of 2%, the whole industry can save coal consumption of about 50.30 million tons of standard coal per year and reduce CO2 emissions by about 7.5 million tons.

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