In the northwest, there will be snowfall in the future, and agricultural facilities should pay attention to pressure prevention.

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a short-term weather forecast at 18 o'clock today: affected by cold air, there will be significant snowfall in the southeastern part of the northwestern region in the next three days.

In the next three days, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in the north of Xinjiang, most of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the central and eastern parts of the northwestern region, the western and eastern Inner Mongolia, the western and northern Sichuan, and Chongqing. Among them, the northwestern part of Xinjiang and the Tianshan area, Tibet Heavy snow is found in parts of the southwest and northeast, southeastern Qinghai, southern Gansu, and northern Sichuan Plateau. The snowfall in northern Xinjiang is 5 to 12 mm, and the depth of snow in Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains will reach 20 to 40 cm.

The daily forecast is as follows:

From 20:00 on December 30, 2010 to 20:00 on the 31st, there were small to medium snows in northern Xinjiang, western Tibet, and eastern Inner Mongolia. Among them, there were heavy snow in parts of northwestern Xinjiang, Heilongjiang and southwestern Tibet; northeast of Sichuan Basin There are light rains or showers in the southwestern part of Chongqing, eastern Yunnan, and western Guizhou.

From 20:00 on December 31, 2010 to 20:00 on January 1, 2011, northern Xinjiang, most of Qinghai, central and eastern Tibet, southern and central Gansu, southern Ningxia, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Sichuan Plateau, northern Guizhou, etc. There are small to medium snow or sleet, including heavy snow in parts of northwestern Xinjiang, southeastern Qinghai, southern Gansu, northeastern Tibet, and northern Sichuan Plateau; southeastern Tibet, Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, and northwestern Yunnan There are light rain or showers in the southeast and southern Guizhou. There are 5 to 7 northerly winds in the northern part of Xinjiang, and the wind power in the mountain pass can reach 7 to 8.

From January 20, 2011 to 20:00, the northern and eastern parts of Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia, eastern Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, eastern Tibet, western Sichuan Plateau, northern Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, central and northern Guizhou have small to medium Snow or sleet, in which parts of the southeastern part of Qinghai, the northern Sichuan Plateau, southern Gansu, and southwestern Shaanxi have heavy snow.


1. The northwestern region and the Tibetan people should do a good job in keeping warm and cold-proof work of crops and livestock to avoid freezing damage caused by snowfall.

2. The people in the snow-removing areas should pay attention to the changes in the snow conditions at all times, and timely remove the snow covering the agricultural facilities such as greenhouses to avoid excessive snowfall and collapse.

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