Ye Tan: Genetics, the future of food production

Phoenix TV on March 4th "The Three Lines", the following is a textual record:

Dou Wentao: "The Three Lines", let's talk to Ms. Ye Tan as a traitor.

Liang Wendao: Doomed to be set on the record of historical shame.

Dou Wentao: Yes, why are you screaming and selling traitors? This is because you actually can say supportive attitude on this issue of genetically modified staple foods.

Ye Tan: I am supportive.

Dou Wentao: Of course, it is difficult for us to understand. We have already talked about a set, but the intention is not exhausted. So I decided to speak a second episode. I told you about this GM rice and said what the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture is now also By first planting in our hometown in Shandong, then the National No. 1 document also says to support this GM food. I recently read Professor Lang Xianping and he said that he participated in an academic activity. A host of this academic activity mentioned that there is a researcher named Jiang Gaoming. What does Jiang Gaoming say about genetically modified rice? It is the introduction of insect-resistant genes in rice. This insect-resistant gene allows rice to secrete a substance called BT, which is a toxic protein. This poisonous protein worm will be poisoned after eating, but this problem has come. Can not eat insects, people can eat it?

Ye Tan: Can people not be poisoned?

Dou Wentao: Yes, especially long-term food.

Ye Tan: It's a safety inspection, that is to say, in fact, the safety of genetically modified, so-called different genetically modified foods, its safety is not the same, for example, some of you are resistant to insects, so This is a lot of oil, and it is insect-resistant. At this time, its bean dregs are absolutely inedible, but its oil is tested and it is naturally produced by us. For example, the kind of oil of rape, the ingredient is completely Consistently, there have been no adverse reactions and it has been tested for several years. Therefore, it is safe to think that this oil is safe, but remember that the scum is inedible. You can't feed the animal, get it, or even eat it. Then this rice is also like this, insects eat poisoned to death, will eat poisoned to death? Judging from the current test, it will not be poisoned because insects have one.

Dou Wentao: Do ​​not poison.

Liang Wendao: Let's find someone to eat and eat first.

Ye Tan: In combination with it, there is a special kind of melamine that can't eat. It has a special place, that is, it can be combined with insects, so the insects will die after eating, but there is no such binding point in the human body. That means it has no way to accept such poisonous proteins. So now under such tests, we can only say that under the detection of existing conditions, this is probably still safe, so to speak.

Liang Wendao: However, the problem lies in this way. It still goes back to the contradictory point. What is this contradiction? On the one hand, we are now living in a world where the risks are getting more and more uncertain. This indefinite history has taught us too much. In the 1960s, it was very popular to use DDT as a pesticide. At that time, everyone thought that there was no problem. It took almost 10 to 20 years before we discovered that it was a problem. At that time, some tests were also done at the time. We also feel that it is very safe. So now, I do not mean that these foods must be insecure, but there are still risks inside. Now where are the problems? On the one hand, we are afraid of this risk. We do not want to eat such a thing that seems to be okay now, maybe there will be problems in the future, or there will still be problems. On the other hand, if China is to take this path, it must be forced by the pressure of population and the need for development. This is a very real problem, so it is stuck in the middle.

Dou Wentao: You see, I look at the documentary in the United States. It also speaks about history. I say this seed. We rarely considered this issue before. What kind of organization was used to cultivate seed? It is public institutions, such as universities and academies, that cultivate this seed. But now, in the United States, for example, Monsanto is a company that cultivates soybean seeds, a large monopoly grain company, and even chemical industry.

After the seeds that they cultivated were then used by farmers, they were monopolistic. You couldn't keep seeds for farmers. You had to plant my genetically modified soybeans. Even I will tell you again, like Lang Xianping's speech, said that genetically modified corn and soybeans he heard would destroy the kidneys and liver, he heard. He also mentioned a problem that we once introduced cotton from Monsanto, a genetically modified cotton, and it is said that cotton does not enter the mouth after all. Ye Tan has some reasons I can understand. For example, genetically modified pests and diseases may actually reduce the spraying of pesticides on fruits. This pesticide residue is less, but there is a problem with genetic modification. Take cotton as an example. It is a certain kind of insects that prevent this kind of insects. It is a kind of insect, but what kind of spider mites, locusts, and other insects it can not prevent, so you still have to use pesticides.

Ye Tan: There is this possibility, but what I want to say is that Prof. Lang is afraid that for biology, I don’t say I’m a biologist, but at the very least I’ve consulted this knowledge very seriously. Like Monsanto, the essential history of its robbers and piracy companies is there, but one thing is that, like this genetically modified crop, or abnormal animals and plants, its fertility is relatively poor, and its Seeds must be newly cultivated. For example, the soybean that we just talked about is just fine. Do you still remember that cloned sheep? It is impossible to clone an animal with the next generation because it is all caused by genetic technology. Therefore, like this plant, we will collect seeds for normal growing plants, and then we will keep the good in the warehouse, and then we will have to store it in the warehouse for the next year. Kind of right. But the nature of this GM is not so obvious. If you replant it, it may be very poor. Then it may not have the effect of genetic modification. So it must have new seeds.

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