Product structure adjustments are beginning to take shape, the development of the wooden door industry is still accelerating

In the home furnishing industry, when the market's efforts to control the market may cause a “cold wave” and the market is in trouble, the wooden door market has received positive news. At the 10th China International Door Exhibition that ended last weekend, there were more than 1,000 exhibitors and the scale of the exhibition was 110,000 square meters. Many exhibitors stated that although the property market has made unprecedented efforts to regulate and control, the store seems to have not been affected, and the volume of passengers and signing orders is satisfactory.

【Site Visit】

Booth layout under the "blood"

On the first day of the exhibition, thousands of participating companies made appearances one by one. Many exhibitors have a large number of booths, with a single booth area of ​​three to four hundred square meters, and they are beautifully decorated.

The reporter saw that a company that focuses on European-style wooden doors has arranged the exhibition site as an open "field." Lawns, trails, and wooden fences have replicated a beautiful rural landscape. The wooden doors on display are arranged around the "fields." The approach attracted many visitors to stop and stay.

An exhibitor of the exhibitor told reporters that many exhibitors this year are not only large in size, but also have a “blood” in their arrangement. “Now the competition is fierce. Whoever wants to see the booth is too cool!” The exhibitor told reporters that there are many dealers visiting the wooden door exhibition. The size and layout of the booth can clearly demonstrate the scale and strength of the company. For the visiting consumers, the beautiful booth can better retain them.

Product structure adjustment has begun to take shape. Nowadays, the material and style of wooden doors are more and more diversified. At the gate exhibition, wooden doors made of wood, wood, steel, wood, etc. compete to debut, and the pattern patterns are also developed from the original line carvings to be custom-made. You can customize your favorite animals, plants, cartoon characters and other personalized patterns to the wooden door. People in the industry believe that the new fashion of pattern customization may become the next force point of the wooden door industry.

At the same time, the reporter also discovered that not only are there a large number of high-end wooden doors at the exhibition, but also some low-priced wooden doors are quite attractive. Compared to the thousands of wooden doors in the market, these wooden doors cost only about six or seven hundred yuan. The exhibitor told the reporter that many gate companies are now paying attention to the secondary and tertiary markets and the suburban markets in the first-tier cities. Affordable wooden doors are very attractive to these markets.

Reporters found in several booths that businesses not only have expensive high-end products, but also introduced a number of inexpensive, simple style wooden doors. It is not difficult to see that the segmentation of the wooden door market has started to show itself, and some wooden doors companies have begun to adjust the product structure to meet the changing market demand.

[business statement]

"Price is still killer"

With so many wooden door products, how can we attract customers? A wooden door brand exhibitor told reporters that the homogeneity of the wooden door industry is now relatively serious and the industry's threshold is relatively low. The key to attracting customers is price and style. "As long as the style is good-looking and the price is a little lower, the deal is very easy." He suggested that if you want to buy the wooden door of the ex-factory price, you may wish to go to the exhibition to see more, it is very likely that "Liao leakage" to buy cheap products.

"There are many exhibitors but they sell well."

Thousands of wooden door companies crowded into the exhibition will undoubtedly divert customer base, but some exhibitors said that although there are many exhibitors, their products are still selling very well. "On the third day of the exhibition, we completed all the tasks," said a brand exhibitor.

In fact, due to the “warm flow” of the store, industry insiders said that the impact of the property market regulation has not yet fully affected the wooden door industry. Once the power of property market regulation and control appears, it may still have an impact on the market. This may happen. Appeared in the second half.

[New wooden doors]

The square wooden door can not play some other tricks? In the exhibition dazzling wooden door products, the reporter found a number of new concept products.

The ecological door locks the interior door of the working-class general living room to 4 to 5 inches. For the working class, the wooden door with a unit price of more than one thousand yuan is even more expensive, so the affordable, quality and environmentally friendly wooden door is the first choice for the working class. At the exhibition, the "ecological door" displayed by Tianjin Longjia Special Doors & Windows Co., Ltd. has aroused people's attention.

According to reports, this type of ecological door uses recyclable materials, and its surface is a durable paint surface that is resistant to moisture and is also very convenient to install. It is particularly economical in terms of price. The brand's exhibitors said that they are also interested in the owners of eco-friendly gates and working-class workers. “If the results at the show are good, then it will be promoted on a large scale.”

According to industry sources, with the listing of a large number of affordable housing and two-room housing, the consumer groups in the wooden door market are bound to change. Therefore, before the differentiation of consumer groups, wooden door companies should prepare for product adjustment.

Use "3G" in gate control system

In addition to a large number of interior doors, the gating systems exhibited by some companies at the show are quite novel. Some companies even apply familiar “3G” technology to door control systems. The reporter saw that the "3G" technology of the door control system consists of a cat-eye video intercom system and an electronic lock, and between the video intercom system and the electronic lock, wireless transmission is achieved through human-machine dialogue, and the intelligent switch Gating system. It also requires no wiring during installation and will not damage the indoor environment. It can also be installed after the renovation is completed.

For the indoor application environment suitable for this system, the organizer of Millennium Asia Tiger Industry Co., Ltd. told the reporter that because the door control system consists of an electronic lock and a wireless video intercom system, the volume is relatively small and does not occupy a lot of space. It can be used in ordinary families, villas and offices.

Although the gate control system is the first line of defense for home security, the proportion currently adopted in ordinary households is still not high. Some consumers who visit have said that if the gate control system is simple and affordable, it can be considered for installation.

[industry observation]

"Jane European" style or wooden doors that will become simple styles of popular trends, although smart in appearance, are mostly lacking in three-dimensionality. Although the European style is favored by a large number of consumers for its noble and elegant temperament, the huge and complicated European style doors have caused many people to give up because of the limitations of the room area.

Wang Yongguang, Chairman of Dalian Shengyou Door Industry Co., Ltd. believes that the “Jane European” style between European retro and modern simplicity will become the most popular product in the future wooden door market. "To this end, we have found a link between European vintage and modern simplicity this year, introducing 4 series of 10 simple European style wooden doors."

The reporter saw that compared with the modern minimalist style, the simple European-style wooden door products are richer in three-dimensional sense and quality, and their decoration is not as complicated and complex as the European retro style, and it has a certain modernity.

The development of the wooden door industry is still accelerating. The reporter learned at the world wooden door conference recently held that the wooden door industry in China has grown at an average rate of 25% every year for the past decade. By 2010, the output value of China's wooden doors industry has approached 80 billion yuan, and its total output value has accounted for 7.5% of the output value of the forestry secondary industry.

The official responsible for the drafting of the National Standard for Wood Doors and Windows, former Qujing Liang, former chief engineer of Beijing Construction Timber Factory, stated that China’s existing housing area is approximately 130 billion square meters, and it is estimated that by 2020, the total housing area will be approximately 280 to 30 billion square meters. m, and the total area of ​​old buildings that are being used every year is about 8-100 million square meters. These houses may also be renovated for the second time and the third time. If the gate accounts for 10% of the building area of ​​the house, the market for doors will be counted. The demand is very large.

Although there is a huge demand in the door industry, the brand enterprises in the wooden door industry are still relatively few. The establishment of a branded wooden door company is crucial for the door industry. Brand China Industry Alliance** Ai Feng believes that brand enterprises should do business with integrity, follow the contract signed with consumers, can not arbitrarily breach of contract, and can not use information asymmetry to deceive consumers, in the sales process, as much as possible Be transparent.

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