Northeast weather is more favorable for crop growth

Since the spring of this year, the heat conditions in the northeastern region have been close to normal, better than last year, and there have been many precipitation processes since the planting, and the lyrical conditions are suitable for spring maize, soybean sowing and seedling growth. The superior water conditions are conducive to the improvement of dry crops such as corn and soybean. Seedling rate. It is expected that in the next ten days, there will be multiple rainfalls in the Northeast, and weather conditions will be beneficial to crop growth.

Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Weather conditions affecting Copyright Linyi fertilizer on agricultural production since spring
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
1. Since the planting, the thermal conditions in the Northeast have been close to normal and better than last year. Most of the northeastern region has accumulated temperature of ≥10°C since April 1st. The thermal conditions are better than last year. Spring corn and soybeans are planted early or in moderation. The current growth is normal and the growth in the southern region is generally good. In late April and mid-May, the temperature was low, and spring maize emergence and seedling growth in some areas in the east were slow, and some low-lying plots appeared to be rotten. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Since April, the temperature conditions have been favorable for seeding and transplanting of rice in a season. At present, the rice development period is close to normal, and the growth is basically normal. Only the northeastern part of Jilin and the southeastern part of Heilongjiang have a temperature of 80-120 °C less than normal. The seedlings are weak. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
2. Since the planting process, there are many precipitation processes, and the lyrical conditions are suitable for spring corn, soybean sowing and seedling growth. Since late April, most of the precipitation in the northeastern region has been more than normal, and the soil moisture is better than normal. It is the best year for the past five years. Good water conditions are beneficial to the sowing and seedling growth of dryland crops, especially in areas with poor soil bottoms in the west. The superior water conditions are conducive to increasing the seedling rate of dry crops such as corn and soybean. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Northeast China and future weather trends in agricultural production and fertilizer recommendations Linyi Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
It is estimated that in the next ten days, the rainfall in the northeast region will be 15-30 mm in total, and 40-60 mm in some areas. The temperature is close to normal, and the weather conditions are favorable for crop growth. Recommendation: Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
1. All localities should do a good job in field management of corn, soybeans and other crops to cultivate strong seedlings. Since the planting in the northeast region, the accumulated temperature is slightly insufficient. All localities should strengthen field management, fertilize at the right time, and cultivate strong seedlings. In areas where the soil in the east is too wet, pay attention to clearing the ditch and promote the transformation and upgrading of the seedlings. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
2. Strengthen the field management of rice during the tillering and tillering period, and promote the rapid growth of tillers. Most of the rice in the northeast will enter the greening and tillering stage. It is necessary to pay attention to strengthen the field management, control the depth of irrigation, increase the water temperature, and timely apply the tiller fertilizer according to the growth situation of the seedlings to promote the rapid growth of rice tillers. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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