Hangzhou security development is strong and how to continue is the key

Although the Hangzhou security industry is currently in a period of vigorous development, there are still some obvious deficiencies. Although the strength of various enterprises in the Hangzhou security industry chain is extraordinary, there is a lack of effective integration and publicity among them. Under the premise of lack of integration, the security innovations of Hangzhou security manufacturing enterprises will each be fought, lack of complementary advantages and effective coordination of mutual promotion, and it is difficult to form a market force. Second, the industry brand image of Hangzhou Security has not been established, among domestic counterparts. Whether it is a manufacturing company or an engineering company, many of them play the "Zhejiang" brand, and they do not have a good brand advantage of the "Hangzhou" security industry. They have not created a regional brand similar to "Wuhan Optics Valley."

Hangzhou security industry how to continue to grow?

I. Reasonable planning The development direction of the security industry in Hangzhou is precisely because the governments of Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou Municipality have greatly promoted the development of the security industry in Hangzhou. Therefore, the government’s continued support for the security industry in Hangzhou is indispensable for their continued development. external factors. From this point of view, we can suggest that the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau's Technical Defense Office or the local security association lead the relevant government departments to carry out the industry research of the Hangzhou security industry, and organize the formation of the basic data of the Hangzhou security industry planning, so that the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau The technical protection office or the local security association can analyze the main characteristics and deficiencies of various enterprises in the industry chain in Hangzhou based on the data obtained from industry research. Over time, companies in the Hangzhou security industry chain can complement each other and work together. Plus, the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau's Technical Defense Office or the local security association has purposefully introduced capital investment to support small and medium-sized security companies and encourage them to develop core industries and technologies. The advantage of innovation is to make up for the shortcomings of these security companies in Hangzhou; foreign security giants in Hangzhou have fewer subsidiaries and industrial parks in Hangzhou. Security companies in Hangzhou should promote international cooperation and form relevant supporting industrial processing zones. At the same time, it can also be led by the Hangzhou Municipal Department of Industrial Development Planning to carry out medium and long-term planning for the development of the Hangzhou security industry, and form a government's tilting development policies, such as talent introduction policies, tax incentives and so on. Now people often hear such a word “new Zhejiang merchants”, and an important sign of the new Zhejiang merchants is to focus on the brand and enhance the cultural connotation and knowledge accumulation in the brand. Of course, building a well-known brand has a long way to go. Therefore, in addition to the long-term and reasonable industrial planning required by the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau's Technical Protection Office or the local security association, Hangzhou security companies also need to have their own long-term development plans.

Second, increase government research funding support and guidance In 2007, when the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone opened its park in the Security Technology Industrial Park, a one-time support fund of 500,000 yuan was used as the start-up capital, which was mainly used for infrastructure construction in the park. Equipment and equipment purchases. At the same time, the management committee of the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone will also set a quota for 100% of the first year, 50% for the first year, and 30% for the third year. Grants will be used by the park. In order to provide professional public services and park construction for the enterprises entering the park; taxation, within three years, the Administrative Committee of the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone will award a certain percentage of the enterprises to enter the park; and report to the Security Technology Industrial Park and the enterprises entering the park. All kinds of science and technology projects of the country, province and city, and development zones will also be given full support for supporting funds according to regulations. Therefore, it can be proposed that the Hangzhou Municipal Government’s science and technology management department establish a new innovation management mechanism, make full use of and integrate the social science and technology resources of Hangzhou City or even Zhejiang Province, and exert the main role of Hangzhou security companies and scientific research institutions in scientific and technological innovation; The relevant departments of the municipal government can also set up special research projects on new security technologies to increase the government's investment in supporting research projects related to enterprises, and the Hangzhou government can encourage more Hangzhou security companies to actively participate in the revision of national standards and industry standards. Support and recommend high-level enterprises to participate in the revision of international standards; guide and encourage listed security companies or corporate alliances to implement corporate patent strategies, and continue to increase the security competitiveness of Hangzhou's security companies in the domestic security market.

Another point is that in the current security market, each of the "unrecognized agreements" to "enclosure" for themselves, Hangzhou security companies should abandon the barriers, look at the entire market trends, break the industry tradition, and actively cooperate with the industry's leading manufacturers , Actively open its own agreement, allowing users to freely choose the right collocation products.

With the listing of Haikang and other companies, it indicates that the listed companies in the security industry in Hangzhou have begun to take shape, and the industrial regional effect has been formed.

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