Foshan's export of architectural ceramics accounts for more than half of the country

The Ministry of Commerce recently announced the list of the first batch of professional demonstration bases for transformation and upgrading of foreign trade in 59 countries. The "Foshan Architecture Ceramics Base" is among them. According to the introduction of Foshan Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, only in 2010, Foshan's building ceramics production was as high as 1.22 billion square meters, and the industrial output value above designated size was 75.84 billion yuan. Foshan has become the largest architectural ceramics industrial cluster in the country and even in the world.

According to customs statistics, in 2010, the total volume of architectural ceramics imports and exports in the city was 2.3 billion U.S. dollars, of which exports totaled 2.292 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 33.68% year-on-year, accounting for 52.28% of the country’s total exports, and became the country’s largest building ceramics production and export base.

Demonstration base: Foshan 5, a base in Guangdong, has taken a seat. It is understood that from February 2011, the Ministry of Commerce initiated the identification of the first batch of national professional demonstration bases for foreign trade transformation and upgrading. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation told the reporter that in March this year, the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation reported the materials of the China Building Ceramics Industry Base in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Commerce, and applied for a national demonstration base for transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, and passed preliminary comments, July 28 On the same day, the relevant person in charge of the bureau also led the team to the Ministry of Commerce to reply and finally successfully passed the defense.

The reporter noted that the first batch of national professional demonstration bases for the transformation and promotion of foreign trade totaled 59, of which 5 were in Guangdong Province. In addition to the Foshan architectural ceramics base, Chaozhou Ceramics Base, Zhanjiang Water & Seafood (Prawns) Base, and Shenzhen Nanshan Medical Devices The base and the watch base of Shenzhen Guangming New District were also selected.

Transformation and upgrading: Accumulated 304 ceramic enterprises were eliminated According to relevant person in charge of the Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the Foshan architectural ceramics has become a national professional demonstration base for transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, mainly due to the strong agglomeration effect of Foshan architectural ceramics. According to statistics, in 2010, Foshan's total output value of building ceramics above designated size was 75.84 billion yuan, total profits and taxes were 7.19 billion yuan, and the average number of all employees was 110,000. In 2010, the city's building ceramics output was 1.22 billion square meters, accounting for 15.6% of the country. Foshan has become the largest architectural ceramics industrial cluster in the country and even in the world, and it is also the country's largest ceramic equipment manufacturing base.

At the same time, the reporter learned that from 2007 to 2010, Foshan has temporarily closed and transferred 304 small and medium-sized ceramic enterprises. At present, it has retained 62 key building ceramics enterprises, of which 16 are worth more than 1 billion yuan and 2 are more than 3 billion yuan. These enterprises have now fully carried out cleaner production, with a cumulative investment of more than 500 million yuan, annual reduction of wastewater discharge of more than 2 million tons, reduction of over 2,600 tons of dioxide* emissions, reduction of solid waste of 200,000 tons, and realization of more than 400 million economic benefits. yuan.

Exports: Exports account for more than half of the country. In terms of exports, statistics from the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation show that in 2010, Foshan's architectural ceramics exports amounted to 2.292 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 33.68% year-on-year, accounting for 74.69% of the province's total, accounting for the entire country. The proportion is 52.28%. The export market covers 201 countries and regions, becoming the largest building ceramics production and export base in the country and even in the world.

In addition, the reporter learned that the export of Foshan architectural ceramics industry is mainly based on private enterprises. In 2010, Foshan private enterprises exported 2.029 billion US dollars of architectural ceramics, an increase of 39% year-on-year, accounting for 89% of the city's export of architectural ceramics. The city's building ceramics export trade is mainly exported by general trade. The general trade export value reached 2.279 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 39% year-on-year, accounting for 99% of the city's building ceramic exports.

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