Flower culture soil disinfection 5 method

1, drying, frying method. The culture medium of river sand such as flower seedlings is placed on the concrete floor before sowing for 2 to 3 days, killing germs and eggs.

2, formalin disinfection method. Each cubic meter of culture soil was sprayed with 40% formalin 50 times solution 400 to 500 ml, mixed and evenly stacked, and sealed with a plastic film for 48 hours.

3. Carbon dioxide disinfection method. The culture soil is piled into a cone or a rectangle, and a few holes are inserted at a certain distance above. Each cubic meter of the culture soil is injected into the hole with 3.5 g of carbon dioxide, and then the hole is blocked with soil, and then covered with a film, and sealed for 48 to 72 hours.

4, chloropicrin disinfection method. Make the culture soil into squares 30 to 40 cm high, at a distance of 20 cm, use a wooden stick to punch a hole 20 cm deep, inject 5 ml of chloropicrin into each well, seal with soil, then water, and then cover with a film. 15 to 20 days, the film is repeatedly mixed and evenly sterilized and insecticidal.

5. Potassium permanganate disinfection method. For the flower seeding cutting seedbed, after the soil is turned into a bed, it is poured with 0.1% to 0.5% potassium permanganate solution, and the soil is covered with a film cover for 2 to 3 days. After the film is removed, it is slightly hydrophobic and then sown or cut. It can kill the bacteria in the soil and prevent rot and blight.
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