Enter the classical furniture of chicken wing wood to appreciate the beauty of classical

When it comes to chicken wing wood, I believe everyone will know that it is one of the redwoods . If you still don't know, it will be too hearty, old iron. The previous Xiaobian has talked about so many chicken wing wood knowledge, the irons have not absorbed at all, too much heart, there are wood. However, Xiaobian adults do not count on the villain, bypassing everyone, the following small series continues to explain the beauty of chicken wing wood classical furniture.

走进鸡翅木古典家具 领略古典之美

Chicken wing wood classical furniture, chicken wing wood, classical furniture features

Chicken wing wood is one of the most common woods of traditional furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and has a long history of use. Ming Dynasty chicken wing wood furniture workmanship, careful use of materials; Qing Dynasty chicken wing wood focus on engraving, the performance of wood grain and engraving work. In addition, the performance of chicken wing wood furniture is very stable, and it will not easily deform due to water and the like.

走进鸡翅木古典家具 领略古典之美

Chicken wing wood classical furniture, chicken wing wood, classical furniture price

As for the price of this chicken wing wood furniture, the price of chicken wing wood furniture is now relatively low-end in mahogany furniture. Of course, this low does not refer to the price of chicken wing wood furniture that has flowed down from ancient times. That is also the price.

Now the price of ordinary chicken wing wood furniture depends on the size of the furniture. If it is a furniture like a circle chair, then the price is about 3,000 yuan. Of course, there are some bigger or smaller ones. This price is naturally different. obvious.

走进鸡翅木古典家具 领略古典之美

The above content of the above-mentioned chicken wing wood classical furniture will be introduced first. If you want to know more about chicken wing wood furniture, please pay attention to GO Jiaju.

Source: GO Jiaju

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