Cement price in September remained steady and the market in East China remained weak

Demand rose sequentially, but may continue to decline year-on-year: In September, overall cement demand rose further from August, and the peak season features gradually emerged. However, the growth rate is still lower than the seasonal pattern. In September, apparent consumption may continue to decline year-on-year.

The prices were regionally different, and the overall stability remained stable. The prices in East China were still weak: Gansu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Henan, Guangxi and Guangdong regions were downgraded to different degrees or planned to lower cement prices; while the eastern Hubei and Sichuan regions increased slightly. Although the eastern part of China began to implement a new round of production restriction measures, the stimulating effect on prices has not yet been clearly reflected. Zhejiang’s price was lowered by 15 yuan in late September.

However, some survey respondents indicated that most of the previously restricted production was for small plants, and some large plants will begin to limit production on the 11th, which will play a greater role in supporting prices. However, as demand is still weak, more production is limited. "Breakfast does not stop the problem," and by the end of the year there is the possibility of a downward adjustment of 30 yuan.

The situation of capital shortage impact on the progress of construction projects has not improved: Despite the recent seasonal recovery of demand, the impact of tightening the funds on the progress of the project has not significantly improved. At the same time, the maturity of accounts receivable for cement plants is increasing.

The pulling of cement demand from social housing remains insignificant: Researchers who previously reported that security housing stayed in the ribbon cutting stage indicated that this situation has not been significantly improved.

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