The first batch of 5 million tons of coal emergency reserves said that 100 million tons will have a role

The national coal emergency reserve plan was approved by the State Council a few days ago. The "Daily Economic News" reporter was informed that the first batch of national coal emergency reserve plans in 2011 was 5 million tons.   However, Qian Pingfan, director of the Industrial Economics Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, believes that "this amount is too small to meet the purpose of suppressing the price of coal emergency reserves." He also said that the reserves should be directed to 100 million tons. Domestic coal prices are expected to rise strongly Qin Songdao coal market network manager Lin Song said that after the Spring Festival domestic coal demand rise, Japan's short-term import freeze will jointly affect the recent trend of domestic coal prices, coal prices upward probability. At present, the coal price of Guangzhou Port has already reacted. According to the statistics of Qinhuangdao Coal Network, the price of coal in Guangzhou Port of 5000 kcal and 5500 kcal is 790 yuan and 885 yuan/ton respectively, which is 25 yuan and 15 yuan respectively compared with last week. The daily coal consumption of downstream power plants has increased, and the daily consumption of the six major power generation groups has been at a high value for nearly two months. Affected by this, the number of coal storage days in power plants plummeted. As of March 18, Datang Group's coal storage days were only 8 days. "Starting the coal emergency reserve is to cope with the possible shortage of coal in the future, and to achieve the purpose of suppressing coal prices through the national level of storage and storage." Qian Pingfan said that the demand for coal has a low season, and can use the off-season to store coal. It will be resold in the peak season, which will not only meet market demand, but also avoid large fluctuations in coal prices. Qian Pingfan believes that China's coal trading will be completed by the coal storage and distribution network and the coal trading network. It is necessary to establish a national, regional and local coal resource strategic reserve mechanism and establish a corresponding trading network system. The coal storage and distribution base constructed in coal producing areas, ports and coal consumption land will be the main site for coal emergency reserve in China, and it will play a role in regulating prices through the reserve pool. It will be established on the basis of local storage and distribution bases. The trading center will be used to find the price. 5 million tons of reserves have limited effect? Li Chaolin, an expert in the coal industry, said that in recent years, whenever large-scale blackouts caused by large-scale natural disasters or seasonal shortages of electricity have occurred, the contradiction between coal and electricity will intensify, and the market coal price will skyrocket. The key contract coal for energy supply is often The redemption rate is not high. From the perspective of China's energy structure, coal consumption accounts for about 70% of primary energy consumption. It is the main energy source used in China and cannot be replaced in the short term. “Because of the volatility of coal, long-term storage will lead to coal quality decline and environmental pollution. Therefore, the coal emergency reserve pilot should be a dynamic reserve.” Li Chaolin said that China’s coal resources are mainly concentrated in the western and northern regions, while energy consumption needs Mainly concentrated in the more developed central and eastern regions, long-distance transportation causes coal to not reach the power plant immediately from the place of production. The reporter of "Daily Economic News" was informed that in the 2011 National Coal Emergency Reserve Work Conference jointly organized by the Economic Development and Control Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Fixed Assets Investment Department and the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Shenhua Group and China Coal Group were finalized. 10 large coal and electric power companies such as Xu Mining Group Pingdingshan, Huainan and Yangluo Power Plants are the storage enterprises responsible for the first batch of national coal emergency reserve tasks, Qinhuangdao Port, Huanghua Port, Zhoushan Port, Guangzhou Port, Wuhan Port, Eight ports, including Wuhu Port (21.59, -0.06, -0.28%), Xuzhou Port and Zhuhai Port (14.69, 0.15, 1.03%), respectively, are the storage enterprises and reserve points for the first batch of national coal emergency reserve tasks. And arranged the first batch of emergency reserve plans, and strive to form a physical reserve before the peak of this year. However, for the first batch of national coal emergency reserve plans of 5 million tons this year, Qian Pingfan said that the role is limited. "To achieve the role of suppressing coal prices, at least 100 million tons of storage."

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