MIT: Artificial Leaves Turn Sunlight into Fuel

MIT: Artificial Leaves Turn Sunlight into Fuel

A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) showed that American scientists have developed an "artificial blade" that converts sunlight into chemical energy for storage.

The artificial leaf is a solar cell made of cesium, with catalysts on both sides. Put it into a container filled with water, one side will produce oxygen bubbles, the other side will produce hydrogen bubbles, bubbles can be separated and collected.

Daniel Nocera, who heads the study, said that oxygen and hydrogen can be introduced into the fuel cell, and the fuel cell can combine hydrogen into water to generate electricity during the process.

Research papers based on the theme of artificial leaf devices were published in this issue of Science and there are 6 authors. The authors are researchers at Sun Catalytix, a solar company founded by Nocera.

Nochera said that the artificial “blade” is made entirely of rich and inexpensive materials.

One side of the semi-conductive plate is coated with a cobalt-based catalyst that can decompose oxygen, and the other side is coated with nickel-molybdenum-zinc alloy, which can decompose hydrogen.

"You can't find a device that's more portable, lighter, and less wired than it is, and it doesn't require any extra equipment, except to collect and store floating gas." In the statement, Nocera said: "I think this There must be a real opportunity to play in the concept."

However, Nocera pointed out that the device could not be put into commercial production immediately because of the need to develop systems for collecting, storing, and using these gases.

Nocera said: "This is a step and a step in the right direction."

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