Modern home decoration four design concepts

With the continuous improvement of living standards and the continuous development of society, people are increasingly pursuing design. However, some people think that high-end decoration is the synthesis of expensive materials, the result is the decoration of the house into a star hotel or bar. Jinan Decoration Co., Ltd.--Chuangchuang Decoration Co., Ltd. summarized the four major concepts of practical, comfortable, ecological and cultural in decoration.

Practical ideas. Housing is not an artwork, not a museum. It is first and foremost a place for people to live in. Therefore, it should be based on practicality and must not be put aside. Whether it is the living room, bedroom, kitchen or toilet, we must proceed from practicality and carry out reasonable designs so that people's lives can be easily applied. Every day people live and work in their own homes. If you give up “applicable” to “beautiful” and ignore “convenience” for luxury, isn’t you taking care of yourself?

Comfort concept. The residence is a welcoming spiritual harbor. It is one of the important goals of the renovation that people should live comfortably. Attention should be paid to the design of the leisure space, so that people will feel at home when they enter their own homes, and should not be mistaken for walking into bars or other public places. Some people decorate their homes like a full-fledged office of the president. The friend joked: If the office of the company is not enough, the return home will continue. Isn't it too tired? "There is a feeling of returning home." This seems to be a very normal requirement, but it is also the most basic and most important requirement. If even such a minimum requirement cannot be achieved, what is the meaning of luxury and upscale decoration?

Ecological concept. Health is more important than beauty. This is common sense for everyone, but many people just forgot about this when they were decorating. For example, a fashionable ceiling in previous years looks beautiful, but the net height of the room is greatly reduced, which is detrimental to ventilation and lighting. It is detrimental to people's health. This practice has now been abandoned by most people. Decoration decoration should use materials that are non-toxic, harmless, non-polluting and conform to “green standards”. Do not let the invisible “killer” into the home without knowing it. Returning to nature is the pursuit of mankind and the call of the times. You can decorate houses with plants, bonsai, and rocks, and “bringing nature into your home” to make people feel at home in the embrace of nature.

The concept of culture. Residential decoration is a manifestation of cultural tastes. It conveys the unique cultural information of the host in silence, and it is the most indiscriminate. The spatial layout of the room, the layout of furnishings, and the combination of colors are based on Chinese style or Western style; whether it is simple or complicated, it must reflect its own personality characteristics, reflect its own cultural connotations, and reflect its own aesthetic Fun. In the decoration, we should pay attention to the improvement of cultural taste on the basis of practicality, because a good living environment has a non-negligible effect on people. “Man creates the environment, the environment also affects people”, in order to create a good living environment, the culture concept of decoration can not be ignored.

The residence is the place where the human body is placed, and it is also the carrier of the people's spiritual sustenance. The residential decoration should be based on practicality. Only on this basis can higher cultural tastes be embodied.

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