Safeguarding food and drug safety by scientific means

Food and medicine are connected to people's livelihood.

Food safety, drug safety, and parts are related to people's conditions.

In recent years, domestic food and drug safety accidents have occurred frequently, and food and drug safety has become the most concerned, most direct, and most realistic issue for the public. It has become an important part of measuring the ability of the government to govern for the people and testing the government's ability to govern. In particular, the issue of food safety, from high-level harsh words criticized industrial moral downturn, lack of integrity, emphasizing “ruling the code to deal with chaos”, to various localities and departments closely deployed, emphasizing government supervision duties, the whole country is starting a “the most severe in history” Table Defending War." Compared with the severe situation faced by food and drug safety in other regions, Guangxi's food and drug safety situation is stable and steady, and the food and pharmaceutical industry continues to develop healthily.

"It looks like the most rugged and unusual, it is easy but hard." Behind the good situation is the hard work.

In terms of strengthening food and drug safety work, the regional party committee and government have made a series of major decision-making arrangements, and the “practical” practice of food and drug regulatory authorities in the implementation of decisions has not only drastically promoted the rapid advancement of food safety supervision capabilities in the region. It also provides a reliable guarantee for safeguarding the diet and drug safety of the people in the region.

Comprehensive Food Safety Coordination Paper establishes an authoritative and efficient comprehensive coordinating agency for food safety chain, with many links and wide coverage. The establishment of a food safety coordination mechanism at the government level is a guarantee for implementing comprehensive food supervision. In order to establish a food safety management system with clear responsibilities, coordinated linkage, and efficient operation, according to the requirements of the State Council, the People's Government of the Autonomous Region set up the Autonomous Region Food Safety Committee (abbreviated as “Autonomous Food Safety Commission”) in early May of this year to serve as the government's food safety work. The coordination mechanism of the deliberations shall be chaired by the leaders of autonomous regions and deputy directors, and the responsible persons of the relevant functional departments in the autonomous region shall serve as members. The food safety committee of the autonomous region (referred to as the “Autonomous Food Safety Office of the autonomous region”) specifically undertakes the daily work of the committee, and has the autonomous region's Food and Drug Administration.

As of October 27, there were 14 cities, 62 counties (cities, districts) set up food safety committees, and 13 cities, 62 counties (cities, districts) established food safety committee offices. The food and drug regulatory departments at all levels have assumed the new tasks and responsibilities for comprehensive coordination of food safety. They have given full play to the functions of the comprehensive coordination agencies at all levels and have focused on resolving issues such as regulatory gaps and cross-cutting responsibilities in sub-stage supervision, in an effort to achieve food safety. Supervision is seamless, supervision of the whole process, and all-round prevention and control.

Efforts to Promote Food Safety Supervision Food safety concerns the health and life safety of the broad masses of the people and cannot be overemphasized. Since the beginning of this year, our district has spared no efforts to improve the food safety supervision and management system, effectively strengthen the supervision of food safety, implement in-depth food safety comprehensive management, and promote food safety in the region.

The main responsibility of food production and business operators has been strengthened. Strengthen the management of production and operation quality, urge enterprises to establish and improve and implement food safety control key post responsibility system, purchase inspection system, factory inspection system, cable verification system, label identification system, and unqualified product recall system; actively promote standardization construction The region has cumulatively established (repaired) 525 local standards for planting and breeding and created 148 pollution-free agricultural product demonstration base counties. The region has identified a total of 22.10 million mu of non-pollution-producing agricultural product area. There were a total of 13,319 food safety demonstration stores and 11,838 demonstration stores in rural food safety. Established 14 food safety demonstration counties (cities, districts) and 106 demonstration streets for food and beverage services; vigorously promoted the establishment of a credit system, selected 241 key food industry enterprises to carry out pilot projects for the establishment of a credit system, and explored the establishment of a credit system and operation of food industry enterprises. mechanism. Initiate a report guidance system for collective dinners for more than 50 people in rural areas. At present, 100% of counties (cities, districts), 99% of townships (towns), and more than 85% of administrative villages in our district have implemented this system; Establish a farm (household) live animal slaughter without the "lean meat" commitment system; food safety service units in the implementation of the food safety commitment system and record publicity system.

Severely crack down on all kinds of food safety violations. Organized 9 special actions on food safety. In June of this year, strict enforcement was implemented in the region to crack down on the illegal addition and misuse of food additives and special inspections of “plasticizers”, special rectification of “lean meat essence”, special inspections of food safety around schools and schools, and establishment of key food production enterprises. The “three catchers” supervision mechanism, the special operations for food additives and condiments in the country’s trade markets, the special rectification of illegally added and abused food additives for border trade imported foods, the pilot construction of food industry enterprise credit system and the publicity and education of food safety, etc. 9 special actions. The Food and Agriculture Office of the autonomous region formulated the “Emergency Action Plan for Special Tasks for Combating “Trench Oil” in the Region, organized major cities to take the lead, and the regulatory agencies were each responsible for it. They strengthened on-site inspections, surprise inspections, and inspections, and resolutely cracked down on “oil waste”. Crimes and crimes are strictly prevented from flowing into the dining table.

To do a good job in major festivals, major events, food service food security work. The excellent completion of the China-ASEAN "**" held in our district, the major events of the Asian Political Parties International Conference, and the task of food safety guarantees for catering services during the visit of the Central Government to our region were recognized by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Establishing a long-term regulatory mechanism for food safety The establishment of a long-term mechanism for food safety is crucial for food safety protection. The food safety committee of the autonomous region attaches great importance to the establishment of a long-term supervision mechanism, holds a number of special meetings, and studies and deploys the establishment of a framework system for food safety policy and policy from the three levels of corporate responsibility network, government responsibility network, and social supervision network. At present, the "Opinions of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Further Strengthening Food Safety Work", "Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of Food Production and Processing Workshops, Food Vendors, etc.", "Reporting and Incentive System for Food Safety Illegal Practices" and " Some important documents, such as the Opinions on Promoting the Construction of a Rural Food Safety Supervision System, and other important documents.

The next step will be to strengthen the construction of a long-term mechanism for food safety in five areas: First, to strengthen the establishment of a food safety regulatory system. Promote cities and counties to accelerate the establishment of food safety committees and their offices. Clear responsibilities of relevant departments, eliminate overlap of duties and regulatory gaps, and achieve seamless integration. The second is to further promote food safety special rectification work. Advancing nine special campaigns for food safety and cracking down on illegal oil and illegal activities. Improve the market access withdrawal mechanism, promote the construction of food production and operation quality system, standardize the construction of credit system, and supervise the implementation of the main responsibility of food production and business operators. The third is to further improve the food safety policy and system framework. Organized the drafting of “Regulations on Assessment of Food Safety Responsibility Goal Management Assessment” and “Food Safety Administrative Responsibility Investigation System” and other documents to promote the full implementation of food safety responsibilities by the municipal and county governments. The establishment of a dishonest disciplinary system, the exit mechanism of the food industry, and corporate credit incentive guidance policies and measures. The fourth is to strengthen the supervision and control of food safety and technical system. Strengthen food safety infrastructure, technical supervision system, community and township food safety supervision system. The municipal and county governments are urged to effectively increase their financial investment in the daily supervision of food safety, administrative law enforcement equipment and sampling inspection funds, and strengthen grass-roots food safety supervision capabilities. Accelerate the key construction of food safety technology system. Fifth, actively create a wide range of social supervision environment. We will implement the reward reporting system and establish a sound reporting and handling mechanism. Strengthen the publicity, education and training of food safety and improve the public's ability to prevent risks.

Drug Safety Supervision Strengthening the Supervision of Essential Drug Quality The Autonomous Food and Drug Administration of the autonomous region has incorporated the strengthening of the basic drug quality assurance mechanism into the region's food and drug supervision priorities and has taken a series of strong measures to ensure the quality, safety, and supply of essential drugs.

The first is to improve the basic drug quality standards. The food and drug regulatory authorities across the region fully implement and guide the supervision and administration of essential drug manufacturing enterprises in the jurisdiction to strictly implement new standards for essential drug quality, carry out routine supervision and inspections in a timely manner, and ensure that the new standards are fully implemented through market sampling and other regulatory measures.

The second is the implementation of electronic monitoring of all types of essential drugs. Within the time limit stipulated by the State Food and Drug Administration, the construction of the electronic supervision network for the basic pharmaceutical manufacturers in the region and the assignment of electronic surveillance codes have been completed. The access rate and the rate of renovation have reached 100%.

The third is to carry out sampling inspection of all varieties of essential drugs. A total of 142 bid-winning products from 52 successful bidders in our country were supervised and tested, and 151 batches of sample inspections were completed according to regulations. The implementation of on-site supervision and inspection of the 224 batches of manufacturing companies' basic medicines that won the bid was implemented. The supervision coverage rate of the basic pharmaceutical winning bidder and the sample coverage of successful bidders all reached 100%. The supervision and inspection of the full-coverage pilot units and delivery units of basic medicine primary medical and health institutions in the region were carried out, targeted sampling tests were conducted on suspicious varieties, and the task of full coverage of basic national medicines was completed.

The fourth is to urge pharmaceutical production and operation companies to implement basic drug retail guidance prices. Promulgated the "Notice on Supervising Drug Manufacturers and Business Operators to Implement Guidelines for the Retail Price of National Essential Drugs," requiring food and drug regulatory authorities at all levels to supervise the strict implementation of the guideline price for drug retailers and stores in our district to ensure that policies are implemented in the district; Drugs shall be strictly supervised throughout the process, and the intensity of supervision and frequency of sampling shall be increased to prevent prices from falling or falling and ensuring the quality of essential medicines in the country.

Fifth, strengthen the reporting and monitoring of adverse drug reactions. Organized and conducted monitoring and evaluation of adverse reactions to the four categories of 17 basic pharmaceutical products issued by the State. The reports on adverse reaction monitoring and participating reporting units increased by 40.8% and 42.5% respectively over the same period of last year.

Carry out in-depth drug safety special rectification In the special drug safety rectification work, through the implementation of the “special actions in drug counterfeiting and brand protection”, the company conducts supervision and inspection focusing on well-known brand drugs, valuable Chinese medicinal materials, and imported drugs, focusing on cracking down on the production and sale of counterfeit brands. The illegal and criminal acts of drugs shall fully safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of brand enterprises and brand drugs in the jurisdiction and maintain a fair and orderly drug market environment. Launched special campaigns to rectify non-drug impersonation drugs, focusing on the rectification of health food production links, and comprehensively inspected whether health food production enterprises have illegally impersonated foods, health food products, unlabeled products, etc., and cracked down on them. In the production of health food products, non-pharmaceutical drugs are used as counterfeiting drugs to effectively protect public drug rights and interests.

Since October 2010, the district's food and drug regulatory system has mobilized 13,312 law enforcement officers, 4,404 law enforcement vehicles, 15,139 inspection and production drug companies, and investigated and dealt with 418 cases of production and operation of piracy and counterfeit drugs, involving the amount of money involved. More than 220 million yuan; 302 cases were closed, involving more than 180 million yuan; 8 dentures were discarded, 1714 items were confiscated. Investigated a number of major cases concerning the illegal addition of chemical substances to Laibin City, such as the “Vaccinal Vaccine for Rabid Dogs,” and the Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. “Bushen Yinao Capsule”. It carried out various types of publicity activities 90 times, distributed a total of 280,000 copies of various types of publicity materials, and reported 150 articles on combating infringement of intellectual property rights in the pharmaceutical field through television, newspapers, radio, and other media. Drug advertisement monitoring was conducted. A total of 361 illegal drug advertisements were found, and all were transferred to the industrial and commercial department for processing. The communication department was asked to investigate and punish two illegal drug information websites, suspend the illegal internet drug trade and information service websites, and close two websites. In the "15" campaign, the whole system acted in unison to carry out the "Plan of Destruction of Counterfeit and Substandard Drugs and Propaganda of Counterfeit and Inferior Drugs in the Region." A total of counterfeit and inferior drugs with a total value of more than 180 million yuan were destroyed.

Innovative drug safety propaganda methods Due to the economic and social development level in our district, the vast rural areas, especially in remote villages, are prone to becoming hard-hit areas for dumping of counterfeit and inferior medicines. Some unhealthy traditional drug habits are also common, and many factors increase the risk of rural drug safety. .

The food and drug regulatory departments at all levels in the district continuously enriched the forms and contents of publicity and education on drug safety, and adopted the “Food and Drug Safety Wancun Qianxiang Publicity Project” to take various forms such as cultural and artistic tours, outdoor wall advertisements, and “mobile caravans”. , Organize and carry out the “Five Upwards” of drug safety (Shangjie, Shangwall, Shangyu Media, Shangzhan Terminal, Shangdang Ballad), and “Five Enters” (into the community, enter the countryside, enter the campus, enter the enterprise, and enter institutions) Education campaigns, using bus stop signs, publicity and board placement, and TV stations to broadcast “China National Drug Use Month”, “Carefully Preventing Internet Fraud Sales of Counterfeit Medicine” and “Rational Use of Antibiotics,” and other public service advertisements to publicize and disseminate scientific medication to the general public. , identify counterfeit medicines, identify online pharmacy common sense; more than 14,000 village committees in the district have unified production of safe drug use knowledge and papers, so that food and drug regulatory legal knowledge, food and drug scientific knowledge into millions of households, the public diet drug safety Awareness and self-prevention awareness have been greatly enhanced. According to incomplete statistics, the district's food and drug supervision system has organized schools, communities, construction sites, rural areas, and institutions to publicize more than 11,000 publicity materials, distribute more than 87,000 publicity materials, hold 1,398 training courses and train more than 110,000 people. .

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