What is the experience of the bright yellow color of the KOMZ furniture Nordic style?

What is the experience of the bright yellow color of the KOMZ furniture Nordic style?

What is the experience when the cold Nordic wind meets the bright yellow? Probably like a cold boy meeting a girl who can warm his heart, a smile warms the whole world.


The Scandinavian style is famous for its simplicity in the world, rejecting the glorious and glorious design, pursuing natural artistic wisdom and inspiration, and putting the experience of comfort first. So Scandinavian furniture is always reminiscent of a cold style, slender wood, or even simple brown leather. However, Kemeizi is not limited to these traditional colors, and the colorful yellow is also well used.


In the design of the Nordic style, black and white gray is very common, but it will inevitably feel cold and lifeless for a long time. Cometz uses beautiful yellow color on sofas, pillows and even tables, so you can see it at a glance. Coordinating the coldness of black and white and gray and the gorgeousness of yellow, yellow meets Northern Europe like meeting love, everything is different, and the entire space is no longer cold.


A yellow chair is very dazzling at home. Adding such a chair to a Scandinavian home is very emotional and exudes vitality. Although it is yellow, it is also very suitable for the Nordic style to follow the principle of natural simplicity.
Cometz 's Nordic-style home has the characteristics of simplicity, nature and humanity, which are in line with the trend of contemporary life. Choose furniture and come to Cometz, let's have a color impact that belongs to you!

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