Jixi circled silicon carbide project to promote graphite and sillimanite finishing

This year is the first year of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". Jixi City will follow the "2006 National Economic and Social Development Plan" and the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and the "Outline" adopted by the Fifth Session of the 12th National People's Congress. Good development and construction of 65 large projects with an investment of more than 50 million yuan. Among them, 20 projects were speeded up, 14 projects were started, and 31 projects were planned.
This year, the focus of Jixi City is on the Dashang Coal-Electrification Project, which promotes the construction of intensive processing projects for resources such as graphite, sillimanite and potassium feldspar. And accelerate the construction of cross-border railways, regional airports, port roads and other projects. We will do a good job in the construction of import and export product processing parks and product export bases, enhance the independent innovation capability of enterprises, actively develop and construct high-tech industrial projects, and actively promote the construction of circular economy projects and infrastructure projects such as resource conservation and environmental protection.
It is reported that among the 65 projects that have been keyed out, there are 33 technological transformation projects. Among them, there are 25 projects with investment exceeding 100 million yuan and 8 projects with investment exceeding 50 million yuan. These projects mainly include: Jidong Lexian Coking Co., Ltd. Gas Power Generation and 30,000 tons of silicon carbide Phase I Project; Jidong Molybdenum Mine No. 3 and No. 4 Mine Construction Project.  

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