Protected land fertilization should be beneficial to avoid harm

At present, the problem of production barriers in some local protected areas is becoming more and more serious and must be concerned. The main manifestations of soil barriers in protected areas are: soil salinization. According to the data, the total salt content of the ploughed soil (0-25 cm) in greenhouses and greenhouses is 11.8 times and 4 times that of open fields, respectively, affecting the normal growth of vegetables, and even causing dead roots. 2. Soil acidification. According to relevant research, the content of nitric acid in greenhouse and greenhouse soils is 16.5 and 5.9 times that of open soil, respectively. When the ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride are continuously applied for a plurality of times, the soil is acidified rapidly. 3. Continuous obstacles. Concentrated performance: increased soil pathogens, tomato bacterial wilt, early blight, melon anthracnose, blight, bean leaf blight, cowpea coal mold, cruciferous vegetable soft rot. Soil pests increase. Lack of soil nutrients and imbalance in proportion.

In view of the soil barriers in the protected areas, we must strive to avoid disadvantages in fertilization techniques, and implement a fertilization technology system that overcomes or alleviates soil barriers, so as to achieve high yield and stable yield of vegetables in the current season. Conducive to the prevention of soil barriers.

1 Add organic fertilizer to increase the application of organic fertilizer, it is best to apply organic fertilizer with high cellulose and carbon ratio. In the process of decomposition, organic matter will form organic colloids such as humic acid, which will greatly enhance the buffer capacity of the soil, prevent salt accumulation and delay the progress of soil salinization.

2 Implement deep application of base fertilizer. When applying fertilizer as a base fertilizer, it is necessary to carry out deep application. It is best to mix fertilizer and organic fertilizer on the ground and then plow tillage, so that most of the fertilizer is applied to the topsoil to avoid excessive increase of surface soil. The salt content. Topdressing is generally difficult to apply in depth, so it is necessary to strictly control each dosage. It is better to increase the number of topdressing times and try to “eat less meals” to meet the demand for nutrients in vegetables. Do not apply too much at one time to avoid increasing the concentration in the soil.

3 vigorously advocate root dressing in the open field conditions, root dressing is only a conventional auxiliary fertilization means, but in the cultivation of the facility, because the root dressing will not add trouble to the soil, especially urea, superphosphate, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and some trace elements are suitable as top dressings, which should be strongly advocated.

4 Scientific monitoring of soil fertility Soil salinity can be judged by the conductivity of soil suspension. When a certain value is exceeded, soil barriers will occur in vegetables. If the measurement is found to be close to the critical value, the fertilization and proper watering are stopped, and the concentration of the soil solution is effectively controlled.

5 Deepening the soil The soil of the tillage protection soil is concentrated on the surface layer. After harvesting, the ploughing is carried out to turn the salt-rich surface layer to the lower layer, and the lower layer soil with less salt is turned over, which can greatly reduce Salt damage.

6Using the 茬 茬 茬 撤 撤 淋 淋 淋 淋 淋 淋 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用 利用Effective measures. Or in the hot season, flooding with large water, cover the film on the ground, so that the water temperature rises, not only can wash salt, but also kill germs.

7 Ground cover The use of mulch or straw for ground cover has a significant effect on inhibiting the accumulation of salt on the soil surface. The salt of the soil after the membrane is applied downwards, which can effectively prevent salt accumulation on the soil surface.
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