It is not suitable to use glyphosate for weeding in field

The author's investigation found that some farmers have saved the problem of spraying glyphosate in the field for several years. The result is that the field stalk collapses, which is not conducive to walking and water management, but also destroys the ecological environment of natural enemies and increases pest control. Difficulty.

Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that removes roots. Most of the weeds in the field are mainly grasses or annual weeds. For example, weeding with glyphosate in successive years will cause the weeds to lose their soil and collapse. Therefore, it is not advisable to use glyphosate for weeding in field stalks. It is reasonable to choose to control the herbicide on the ground and control the number of uses. You can choose paraquat-treated herbicides such as paraquat, sulphuricin, trifluralin, oxacillin, and chlorpyrifos, or use 15% paclobutrazol WP or 5% uniconazole WP 100-300 times. If you control the weeds, you can receive the effect of controlling the grass.
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304 Stainless Steel Coil

Stainless steel plate surface smooth, high plasticity, toughness and mechanical strength, acid, alkaline gas, solution and other media corrosion resistance. It is an alloy steel that does not rust easily, but not absolutely. Stainless steel plate refers to the corrosion resistance of weak medium such as atmosphere, steam and water steel plate, and acid resistant steel plate refers to the corrosion resistance of chemical etched medium such as acid, alkali, salt steel plate.

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