Spray fertilizer is very important in the late stage of crop growth

Soybean soybeans had a significant effect on increasing yield after root-shooting in the late growth stage, which was related to the characteristics of soybean fertilizer and soil fertility. Soybean root fertility changes with the growth of the plant to the deep layer of the soil, that is, the soybean first absorbs the nutrients in the upper layer of the soil in the early growth stage, and the nutrients in the soil below the cultivated layer are mainly absorbed in the late growth stage (reproductive growth). According to tests, the percentage of soybean roots absorbed by 10 cm deep nutrients was 93.3% in seedling stage, 62.9% in branching stage, 36.1% in flowering stage, and 26.2% in pod-forming period. The root system of the grain period can hardly use the nutrients in the 10 cm deep soil layer, while the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required for flowering, granules and maturity accounts for about 80% of the total. This indicates that the peak season of soybean fertilizer is in the stage of reproductive growth, that is, in the late growth stage. These nutrients are extracted from the soil below the plough layer by roots, and the nutrient conversion and release capacity of the soil below the plough layer is much lower than that of the plough layer. This leads to the inconsistency between the nutrient demand and the soil fertility at the peak of soybean fertilizer demand. Sex. Soybean roots (especially lateral roots) are mainly concentrated in the surface soil, and it is prone to undernutrition and premature aging in the middle and late growth stages, which is the main factor limiting the high yield and stable yield of soybean. Therefore, spraying the nutrient solution outside the roots of the soybean pods can alleviate the contradiction between the peak of soybean fertilizer and the ability of soil fertility, accelerate the accumulation, transformation and transportation of assimilation products, and promote the nitrogen fixation and root system of rhizobium. Vitality, improve roots' ability to take up nutrients.
The preparation method of the nutrient solution is: weigh 0.5 kg of urea, 105 g of superphosphate, 107.5 g of potassium sulfate, 12.5 g of boric acid, dissolved in 25 kg of water, and filtered to be a nutrient solution. Foliar spray should be carried out after 4 o'clock in the afternoon or in the evening, so that the leaves are evenly stained with nutrient solution without flowing, and sprayed 3 times, every interval of 3 days to 4 days.
In the late growth stage of cotton, the absorption function of nutrients by roots was significantly reduced. At this time, foliar spray fertilizer had obvious effect of increasing yield.
First, the prevention of premature aging of nitrogen spray in late August to early September, spraying nitrogen fertilizer on the foliage, can keep cotton leaves green, enhance photosynthesis, prevent premature aging, and increase yield. Spraying method: prepare 1% urea solution, spray 667 square meters 75 kg to 100 kg, spray once every 5 days to 7 days, even spray 2 times or 3 times.
2. Potassium-spraying disease prevents cotton from being deficient in potassium. During the flowering and ringing period, red leaf stem blight occurs. After the onset, the leaves become thick and wrinkled and crisp, and the leaves fall off. The plant shape is short and premature aging, resulting in reduced yield. While preventing premature aging, foliar application of potassium can reduce or inhibit the occurrence of diseases. 667 square meters with a 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 75 kg whole plant spray, even spray 2 or 3 times, can also spray 5% grass wood ash leachate.
Third, spraying phosphorus to promote early maturity from the end of August, using 1 kg of superphosphate, soaked in 50 kg of water for 24 hours, the filter residue to take liquid, 667 square meters of spray 100 kg, spray once every 5 to 7 days, Spray 2 or 3 times. It can promote the fullness of seeds, increase the weight of bolls, and prematurely vomit.
Fourth, the boron-spraying large peach cotton plant is deficient in boron, the leaves of the fruit are high, the side branches are many, the leaves are thick, and the bud leaves are easy to open and fall off, resulting in buds without flowers, less flowers and thin bells, and reduced yield. Spraying boron in time is beneficial to multi-peach and knot peaches. Generally, from the bell period, 667 square meters spray 0.2% borax or 0.1% boric acid solution 75 kg ~ 100 kg, continuous spraying 2 times or 3 times. Add 0.5% urea when spraying, the effect is better. (hold high)

In the middle and late stages of rice growth, the root absorption function is declining, while the ear is still in the stage of nutrient enrichment, requiring sufficient nutrient supply. For example, the nutrients are supplemented by spraying the foliar fertilizer on the roots, so that the stems and leaves of the rice are directly absorbed and utilized, and the fertilizer is used less and the effect is quick. The types of foliar fertilizers and their application methods on rice are as follows:
1. Nitrogen fertilizer sprays 1% urea and 3000 times 802 mixed solution at the booting stage and filling stage, which can prolong the life of functional leaves and increase the yield. Each time 667 square meters of spray mixture is about 50 kg.
2. Phosphate fertilizer generally sprays 2% of superphosphate solution twice during heading to filling. Preparation method: Take 2kg of high-quality superphosphate, smash it and pour it into 100kg of water for 24 hours (frequently stirred) and then filter it, 60kg per 667 square meters of spray fertilizer. In the nitrogen-deficient field, urea mixed spray can be added to the prepared phosphate fertilizer solution.
3, potassium fertilizer to take fresh grass wood ash 5 kg, add water 100 kg. After fully stirring, soak for 12 hours to 24 hours, take the clear liquid spray, each time about 667 square meters of liquid spray about 50 kg. A 1% potassium chloride solution can also be used.
4, potassium dihydrogen phosphate is generally sprayed once at booting stage, heading stage and filling stage, each time 667 square meters with 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 50 kg of water diluted and sprayed. When the heading reaches 20%, use 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per 667 square meters plus 1 gram to 2 grams of 920 (if it is a powder, it should be dissolved first with alcohol), and evenly spray 50 kg of water to dilute it to promote the heading neatly. , reducing the neck, has a significant increase in production.
5, zinc fertilizer each time 667 square meters with 100 grams of zinc sulfate, 50 kg of water diluted and sprayed, mixed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate effect is better.
6. Boron fertilizer generally sprays 0.1%~0.2% borax solution once in the heading stage and the filling stage, which can increase the yield by more than 10%. Spraying boron fertilizer is better in the low temperature and rainy period that is not conducive to rice filling and fruiting. Borax should be first dissolved with warm water, then diluted with water and sprayed immediately.
7. Photosynthetic micro-fertilizer is generally sprayed once at the booting stage and at the heading stage. Each time 667 square meters, 100 grams of photosynthetic micro-fertilizer is used, and 50 kg of water is added and diluted and sprayed evenly. It can be mixed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea as needed to supplement nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition.

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Retail Lighting

Retail Space Lighting plays a vital role in enhancing the shopping experience, attracting customers, and displaying goods. Good commercial lighting design can create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere and effectively enhance customers' desire to buy.

In the retail space, lighting not only needs to meet the basic lighting needs but also needs to be differentiated according to the requirements of different areas and commodity types. For example, for the display area, appropriate retail lighting can highlight the characteristics and advantages of the product, guide the line of sight of customers, and enhance the attractiveness and visibility of the product.

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To sum up, retail space lighting is important to enhance customer experience and sales effect. You can create a comfortable and attractive shopping environment, promote commodity sales, and achieve commercial success through scientific and reasonable shop lighting design and selection.

Store Lighting, Commercial Lighting, Retail Lighting