How to apply pesticides in rice farming

Generally, low-to-low-poison pesticides do not cause death in fish farming in rice fields. If they exceed normal dosage, they will cause fish poisoning, and light ones will affect the normal growth and development of fish. For some pesticides that are slow to dissolve in the environment, it should also be considered to cause chronic poisoning of pesticide accumulation in fish. The "cigaricidal double" indoor toxicology is determined to be low-poisonous in fish. It is weakly absorbed by the soil after being used in rice fields, and has a large migration property with water. It degrades slowly in water and can accumulate in fish viscera and fish. To a certain extent affect the growth of fish. Therefore, in the application of "insecticide double", it is best to spray in the peak period of the stem borer. In the early stage, pesticides such as "killing pine", trichlorfon and "marathon" can be applied in the rice field ecological environment. If rice fields are cultivated in winter paddy fields after rice harvesting, it is forbidden to use "killing insects" in the later stages of rice.
In order to ensure the safety of fish, when applying various pesticides to control pests in fish-farming rice fields, the field water should be deepened in advance. The water layer of the paddy field should be kept above 6 cm. If the water layer is less than 2 cm, the safety of fish will be brought. Threat. In the season of pests and diseases, the temperature is often high, and the general pesticides accelerate to volatilize as the temperature rises, which also increases the toxicity to fish. Appropriate time should also be mastered when applying. When spraying the liquid (powder), pay attention to spraying on the stems and leaves of the rice as much as possible to reduce the pesticide falling into the water, which is safer for the fish species. The powder should be used in the morning when the rice plant is exposed to dew. The water agent should be sprayed after drying on a sunny day. Do not apply before it rains. When spraying, the sprayer nozzle extends below the leaf and sprays from the bottom up. The method of mixing soil is not recommended. When using a highly toxic pesticide, you can take a spray and change the water. Or let the field water dry first, driving the fish into the fish ditch. In order to prevent the fish density in the ditch during the application period from being too large, and the water quality deteriorates and is deprived of oxygen, the new water should be flushed into the fish ditch every 3 to 5 days. After the potion disappears, fresh water is poured into the rice field to allow the fish to swim back into the field. It can also be used as a method of splitting the medicine, that is, a field is divided into two days to apply the medicine, the first day is half a field, and the second day is another half a field, which can also reduce the phytotoxicity to fish.
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