Qi Family Classroom: Plumbing Q&A

>>>Extend the life of the home drainage pipe maintenance Raiders

Plumbing Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How deep does the worker have to slot? How much to buy a triangle valve, hose, etc?

Answer: Generally about 3cm. Triangle valve and hose one guard and one kitchen each with 6-8, two guards and one kitchen each with 8-12, specific when installing faucet.

2. Will I use the tube of Ainol to connect the pipe of Weixing, will there be any problem when the two brands of water pipes are connected?

A: Different brands of pp-R pipes have different raw materials, different hot melt coefficients and different cooling times, so it is not recommended.

3, does slotting 3cm refer to a water pipe or two pipes?

A: 3cm refers to the depth and width of a pipe slot. The width of the two pipe slots should be increased accordingly.

4. Can I provide slotting advice?

A: Yes, first of all, we will be able to draw the slot line according to the customer's requirements, and then make a reasonable estimate of the price.

5. May I ask my family's workers to install it?

Answer: The installation process of pp-pipes is relatively high. It is not recommended to use their own workers to install water pipes. First, there is no guarantee of quality, and the other is to prevent problems from bucking each other. Requires factory workers to install, factory warranty, regular manufacturers have insurance, there are problems manufacturers will be fully compensated.

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