How to communicate with designers most effectively

As we all know, decoration is a very annoying thing for most people. Not to mention buying building materials and late-stage furniture accessories, it's just a matter of determining the style, and the function will be overwhelming. Therefore, many homeowners first think of seeking help from home improvement designers. So how can we communicate well with designers and save time and effort for decoration? After interviewing a number of designers, the reporter summed up the following points. The decoration of the owner through the following points in a targeted consultation with the designer will have a multiplier effect.

1. Recognize the relationship with the designer

In the home improvement design, the relationship between the designer and the owner is a kind of cooperative friend relationship, and sincerely treating each other is the basis of cooperation. For the designer's design plan or concept, the owner has different views and can directly say it, don't hesitate to say that he is not a professional. Most designers think that, in many cases, the owners let them learn some new ideas.

In communication, owners should not use the relationship between employment and employment to define cooperation with designers. A segment designer of a decoration company told the reporter that when the former CEO of a real estate developer was designed, the real estate executives did not convert the role relationship. They always used the tone of the appointment to make the designer follow his own ideas. As a result, both parties have spent a lot on communication costs, and construction progress has naturally been affected.

2. Tell the designer family members

Explain to the designer the family members’ age levels, occupations, preferences, etc., especially owners with senior citizens and children. If there are children, for example, the designer will consider using a large area of ​​glass and mirrors as little as possible. Every member of the family has different living habits, social experiences, hobbies, and aesthetic tastes. Comprehensive consideration can make decoration without regret. Of course, designers will ask these questions before doing the project, but the owner is best to take the initiative to explain the situation of their own family, after all, is the most familiar with the situation of your family or you.

3. Explain your preferences

“Some of the customers like to see the designer's previous work. Dozens of works look down. Not only are they out of direction, but they’re paying attention, and they don’t know where to start.” The designer talked to the reporter before the owners communicated. Note: It is recommended that the owner should be able to determine his/her personal preferences and taboos. Most of the time, other people's home improvement plans are not suitable for your family. If it is not well expressed in oral communication, you can also use the Italian model room as a reference for designers. A designer of Hong Yang Jiazhuang tells the reporter that once the owner did not know how to express it, she was asked to follow the romantic version of the Korean drama. Full House, China and South Korea Zhi En's home to design their own room.

In addition to personal preferences, it is necessary to indicate whether the decoration is focused on style or function. This way, designers can be targeted at design time. If there are many requests, they can be written on paper in order to prevent forgetting.

4. Do your homework in advance

When purchasing materials, the owners can ask the designers for assistance, but they cannot rely entirely on the designer. After all, the home is where they lived for decades. With the most basic decorating knowledge and material knowledge, you can communicate with designers using some professional terms. You can also have your own opinions when buying building materials to prevent them from being fooled by businesses.

The designer suggested that the owner should be able to look at some relevant information and update the home improvement knowledge. At the same time, he should not forget to ask others to combine theory with practice. This is the best way to learn.

5. There is a steelyard on the budget

How much money are you willing to spend on the renovation? Before decorating, it's best to clearly tell the designer what the ceiling is. Find out which projects are sure to do and which projects can be replaced with other materials. Such as the decoration effect is not much difference between the Anligh plate and shadow board, the price difference is nearly 3 times. Only by clarifying your affordability, the designer can reasonably control the quantity and grade of materials according to your requirements.

6. Trust designer

Before choosing a designer, the owner decided after some comparison and understanding. Since you have chosen, you must maintain enough trust in the designer's ability. Most designers said during the visit that the most feared is that the owners have doubts about their designs. A female designer interviewed by the reporter said that he sometimes encounters some customers and thinks that he is very familiar with the decoration and looks distrustful of the designer and dismisses the design proposal. Due to the lack of the most basic trust, the designer’s design enthusiasm will also be cold and the decoration effect will naturally be discounted.

Design knowledge decoration design home improvement home decoration style decoration glass home decoration model room design room decoration decoration room decoration style glass furniture


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