Secret: The installation of aluminum buckle ceiling

The ceiling materials of the kitchen include PVC plastic gussets, aluminum-plastic plates and aluminum gussets, etc. Most people will consider purchasing them from the aspects of service life, fire prevention, and aesthetics. The performance of the aluminum gusset plate is good in all aspects. Only slightly higher prices. At present, on the Shanghai market, aluminum buckles are basically installed by manufacturers or distributors.

In general, we only saw the suspended ceiling after the completion of the project. For this purpose, Xiao Bian specifically photographed the ceiling above and shared it with everyone.

First, you can see the way to fix the aluminum buckle plate. Drill holes on the top and fix the aluminum buckle plate keel with expansion screws and metal suspenders. Kitchens must be fireproof, bathroom water vapor can easily lead to decay of common materials, and aluminum gussets do ceiling materials that are just right.

Between the keel and the boom is fixed with a screw, you can adjust the height, so that the ceiling is flat, the screw is so big, it must be very safe.

The aluminum buckle plate is stuck in the keel's card slot, so it's loaded up. It's very simple. It seems like you want to DIY.

Before the ceiling, be sure to line up the bath and gas water heaters.

The top is all finished, take a look at the face project. The corner line is very important. To be smooth, the gap between the wall and the wall should be small and uniform.

In particular, the joints at the corners should be flat, with no warping and alignment.

Yuba installation location, according to the size of Yuba reserved. Xiao Bian here to remind everyone, pay attention to the power cord Yuba, is wrapped with soft plastic tube, and wrapped in tape. At that time, Xiao Bian did not understand why it was necessary to wrap the power cord with a plastic tube. For this purpose, I specially consulted the master of water and electricity. The master explained that the aluminum buckle plate should be cut at the location of the Yuba, and that the cross section of the aluminum buckle plate would cut the plastic sheath of the power line and cause leakage accidents. It's safer. This master is really considerate. We can learn from it.

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