Most fashion masks flow into the market from small workshops

In recent days, the sales volume of masks in the major pharmacies in the urban area has almost been blowout, and some pharmacies even appear to be out of stock. Many boutique houses and clothing stores have smelled the “business opportunities” that people are craving for both fashion and protection. They are rushing to push “fashion masks” with cartoon characters and patterns onto the container. Its price is several times that of professional masks. However, many people do not know that such “fashion masks” are mostly flashy goods, and some even have security risks.

Three times the price of medical masks

"People with weaker physical constitutions are more likely to be infected by a stream." Ms. Wu told reporters that because she contracted a cold, she went to a jewelry store in downtown Zhongshan and bought a color mask. He wanted to prevent invasion of the virus. Also avoid sending colds to colleagues.

"This mask has a paint-like taste. It took only one day to wear, but it didn't predict that the rhinitis just happened." Miss Wu said that compared to pink masks with cartoon patterns, gauze masks are really ugly. In boutiques and jewelry stores, “stylish masks” of various styles and colors are used to gather containers, and the price ranges from 5 yuan to 10 yuan. The price of reusable regular absorbent gauze masks sold in pharmacies is only 2 yuan, and a pack of 10 disposable medical masks is only 3 yuan, the price is far lower than the "fashion mask."

In urban streets such as Dongjie Street, Zhongshan Road, and Nanjun Road, there are plenty of fashion masks. From time to time, citizens stop to shop. The owner of a boutique shop in the downtown area of ​​Dongcheng District stated that their masks were purchased from regular places and the quality was absolutely fine. However, it was asked from what channels these masks came from, and the shopkeepers flashed their words, but in the end they could not clearly reply. The reporter visited dozens of boutiques and found that such fashion masks do not indicate the manufacturer's information and introduce corresponding protection capabilities.

Small workshop paint printing and easy to cause disease

"Medical masks require more than 16 layers. There are strict regulations on the materials used in the masks, transportation, preservation, and disinfection." According to Wang Shengping, a pharmacist in the urban area, professional masks are good in breathability, and the fabrics are hygienic and safe. It plays a role in preventing bacteria, keeping warm, and preventing dust. The pattern masks sold in boutiques are mostly only two or three layers, and they do not have the anti-bacterial effect of medical masks.

A person familiar with the matter said that at present, masks sold in boutiques and jewelry stores in the urban areas are mostly sourced from small workshops, and some unscrupulous manufacturers even sell paint masks and masks to the market. “Compared to dyes, as an inorganic material, paints are more likely to fall off, and masks are products that directly contact the oral cavity. If the quality of the paint used is not critical, it is very easy to cause diseases.” The person said that the masks were not strictly disinfected. , may cause people suffering from rhinitis, hypersensitivity, asthma exacerbations.

Not as medical device management

Under the banner of protective virus, is "fashion mask" an accessory or a medical item? What are the hidden dangers and how should they be supervised? In the past few years, the state has issued national standards for ordinary non-absorbent gauze masks and medical masks. Does it mean that masks made of gauze should not follow this standard?

According to relevant experts, there is currently no national standard for general non-gauze masks. The supervision of non-gauze masks is based on the “National Safety Technical Code for Textile Products” and the “Usage Instructions for Textiles and Garments”, which is equivalent to saying that The safety and technical standards of ordinary masks are the same as those of socks, bed sheets, and shorts.

“Ordinary absorbent gauze masks are not managed as medical devices. At present, only masks for medical device management are medical protection, medical surgery and general medical use.” The staff of the Bureau of Food and Drug Administration introduced that professional masks are subject to regulatory requirements. It is very strict. It is reported that from last month, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the "Circular on Strengthening the Supervision of Medical Masks" to regulate the important technical indicators and types of medical masks, but it does not involve such "fashion masks" standard.

“The state should regulate the mask market and formulate national standards for non-gauze masks as soon as possible.” Wang pharmacist called for. At the same time, he reminded the general public that for the sake of safety, it is best for the general public to go to pharmacies or hospitals to purchase medical gauze masks.

Municipal Food and Drug Administration and the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce jointly issue consumer warnings

Individual businesses exaggerate the effectiveness of masks

     The newspaper (Reporter Chen Yunqing and Wang Lihong correspondent Hong Zhigang) pointed out that the purchase of masks by consumers has increased significantly. Some illegal operators have exaggerated the sterilization, antibacterial, and anti-virus effects of masks and infringed consumer rights. Recently, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration and the 12315 Command Center of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce issued a warning on consumption at the same time: Do not buy masks when they are exaggerated.

“All kinds of masks containing the ingredients of sterilization, antibacterial and anti-virus are called by the merchants, and the State Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved it.” According to the law enforcement officers of the Bureau of Food and Drug Administration’s audit department, consumers must understand the medical masks. Scope of application: General medical protective masks are suitable for the protection of airborne respiratory infectious diseases by medical personnel and related staff, and have a high degree of protection; medical surgical masks are suitable for the basic protection of medical personnel or related personnel, and in the invasive operation process In the prevention of blood, body fluids and spatter propagation protection; ordinary medical masks generally lack of filtration efficiency requirements of particles and bacteria, the protective effect of pathogenic microorganisms is not precise, used for a one-time health care and pathogenicity in general environment Particles other than microorganisms, such as pollen or barriers.

Ms. Lin at the 12315 Command Center of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce reminded consumers that they should understand the relevant knowledge of influenza prevention and control. If they need to buy masks, they should go to regular pharmacies or purchase channels to ensure that shopping malls and shops purchase medical surgical masks and take the initiative to ask for purchases. Bills, if a consumer dispute occurs, a complaint can be made.

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