Capsicum soil testing and formula fertilization technology

The production of 1000 kg of pepper requires 5.2 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.2 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 6.5 kg of potassium chloride. Before planting, 5,000 kg of high-quality farmyard manure and 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer were used as base fertilizer. At the beginning of the expansion of the pepper, the first top dressing was started to promote the fruit expansion, and the application of pure nitrogen was 15-18 kg, the phosphate fertilizer was 18-20 kg, and the potassium fertilizer was 15-17 kg. The amount of fertilizer needed for the second layer of fruit, the third layer of fruit, the fourth layer of fruit, and the star of the sky increased gradually, and the amount of topdressing should be increased appropriately to meet the nutrients required for the vigorous period. Each top dressing should be combined with soil and watering, or 0.3% of Fengguo, Chiling, etc. for foliar application.
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