The biggest behind the world: How long will Chinese machine tools still linger in value?

Industrial upgrading is generally considered to be a natural and gradual process that is accompanied by continuous advances in technology and changes in consumer demand. However, in a certain period of time, due to the advocacy of the state, the internal and external markets are boosting and “cracking”, especially when the original operating mode is difficult, the industrial upgrading may accelerate under the joint effect of subjective and objective.

As an important part of the equipment manufacturing industry, the independent upgrade of the machine tool industry has never stopped. At the moment, in the urging and agitation of the upgrade, whether it is for the lonely person at the front end of the industry or the slayer who is in the middle of it, at this moment, it is necessary to calmly think about where the future development points and where How should the road go? After all, the process of industrial upgrading is the process of reshuffling the industry and re-positioning itself. Those who are prophets may become pioneers and leaders, and those who are blind may become "martyrs" or paving stones. However, whether you are nostalgic and stick to the original territory, or boldly head to the new pasture, you must make your own new choices.

Behind the world's largest machine tool producer

The machine tool is a machine for making all kinds of Machinery, and it is called the working machine. The machine tool industry is the basic industry of the national economy and the most important factor in the development of the equipment manufacturing industry. It is a strategic industry. As the mainstream processing equipment of modern manufacturing industry, CNC machine tools are the core products of the machine tool industry and have become the commanding heights of international manufacturing and defense industry competition.

The data shows that in 2009, the domestic machine tool industry has completed a total industrial output value of 40.14 billion yuan. At the same time, countries with developed manufacturing industries such as Japan and Germany have been affected by the financial crisis, and the scale of machine tool production has fallen sharply. This makes China the world's first machine tool. The first major producing country.

In fact, today, China has become the "world factory", the world's first machine tool production value has lost the sensation of yesterday. As one insider said: Looking closely at the current capacity of the domestic equipment manufacturing industry, it is easy to find that if our production capacity is not excessive, it is big enough. Even the so-called "blue ocean" field, such as wind power, will become overcrowded in a flash. However, behind this "prosperity" appearance, if the analysis is based on the rationality of resource allocation and the operational efficiency of the industry itself, especially in the premise that economic development concepts such as green manufacturing, low-carbon economy, and resource conservation are generally valued. In fact, the global “maximum” of the output value of the machine tool industry is not enough to make a big celebration.

It is undeniable that after decades of hard work, the Chinese machine tool industry has made great progress. Especially in recent years, the state attaches great importance to the development of the machine tool industry, especially the CNC machine tools. The "Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Revitalization of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry" for the first time included CNC machine tools in the field of major technical equipment. The Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Science and Technology Development Plan also listed CNC machine tools as one of 16 major special projects, further establishing the important position of the machine tool industry in the national economy. The machine tool industry strengthens independent innovation of products in key areas such as large-scale power generation equipment, power transmission and transformation equipment, large-scale petrochemical equipment, large-scale coal chemical equipment, complete metallurgical machinery, large-scale ships, high-speed trains, and new subway vehicles. Developed with special planes, it has achieved effective breakthroughs in precision manufacturing and extreme manufacturing, and improved the technical grade and level of key products such as large and heavy CNC machine tools and five-axis linkage machine tools. Among them, the most representative is the development and manufacture of the world's largest 25m, 28m CNC vertical milling lathe, CNC horizontal lathe with a diameter of 5m and a load of 500t, 10.5m CNC bridge gantry compound machine, mast diameter of 320mm CNC floor milling and boring machine, 2500mm diameter roll grinder and high-performance CNC forging equipment. At present, domestic high-end CNC machine tools have begun to enter the national key development areas and the construction of national defense and military industry. The situation of high-end CNC machine tools that are urgently needed for national economic development is over-reliance on imports, and is gradually improving. In 2009, the market share of domestic metal processing machine tools continued to increase, reaching 70.1%; the market share of domestic CNC machine tools reached 62%.

However, the following set of data can reveal such information. While the machine tool industry has achieved many good results, structural adjustment is not only necessary, but also very urgent.

In 2009, the machine tool industry completed a total industrial output value of 40.14 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1%.

The sales value of machine tool industry products was 392.25 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.7%.

The machine tool industry achieved a profit of 17.64 billion yuan, down 1.8% over the same period; the output value margin was 5%, down 0.8 percentage points year-on-year (January to November data).

The profit of the gold cutting machine tool industry reached 4.52 billion yuan, down 6.7% year-on-year; the profit margin of output value was 5.1%, down 0.5 percentage points year-on-year.

The molding machine tool industry realized a profit of 1.03 billion yuan, down 6.8% year-on-year; the output value margin was 3.8%, down 0.7 percentage points year-on-year (from January to November).

The cumulative import of machine tool products was US$9.7 billion, down 21.1% year-on-year.

The export of machine tool products was US$4.74 billion, down 33.5% year-on-year.

The export prices of medium and low-end CNC machine tools continued to fall, and the average unit price fell by 25%.

Intra-industry investment increased, output value increased, sales volume increased, but profits fell. This kind of growth in technology, resources, and labor costs that are not fully reflected in the development of the industry is obviously unfavorable for the sustainable and healthy development of the entire industry. In other words, long-term addiction to or reluctance to low-end products, once the external conditions change, this persistence can only increase the adverse reactions of the company, and may even damage the overall health of the industry.

The high-end is seriously lacking, the middle and low-end competition is excessive, the foundation is unstable, and the specialization is not strong. This is the shadow hidden behind the "maximum".

An authority in the machine tool industry has clearly pointed out that the low level of production capacity in the machine tool industry is seriously oversupplied. Without adjusting the structure, not upgrading the industry, not taking the road of specialization, and not transforming the growth mode, not only the sustainable development of the industry is an empty talk, but also a waste of resources.

How long can the market's strong performance last?

China has become the world's largest consumer and importer of machine tools for eight consecutive years. Thanks to the exciting market demand, the domestic machine tool industry has also achieved rapid development for eight consecutive years. Even if it is affected by the financial crisis, compared with other developed economic regions, the domestic machine tool industry can still be a source of masturbation at least on the output value data.

However, based on rationality and sober understanding and judgment, such problems cannot be evaded: How long can the market sustained by the continuous growth of fixed assets in the whole society? The operating cycle of the market itself really does not exist? If you think that today is overdrafting tomorrow's demand, how should you deal with it tomorrow? Can the company keep up with changes in market demand?

From the analysis of the external market situation, the situation is equally complicated.

In the current financial crisis, the inherent shortcomings of the virtual economy and the real economy in the developed countries have been ruthlessly punished. As a result, the return of the world's major developed countries to the real economy has been significantly strengthened, trade protectionism has re-emerged, and anti-dumping investigations have occurred frequently. To a large extent, this has had a huge impact on the export-oriented development model that relies on excess capacity. Moreover, the model of relying on comparative advantage to drive exports for a long time will also be shaken in concept. Therefore, considering the added value of technology and considering the benefits more, it is of special significance to the machine tool industry.

Be prepared for danger and be prepared for the rain. Proactively responding to changes that may or may not occur should be a more positive attitude.

Enlightenment from changes in demand

According to a survey of 80 key enterprises by the China Machine Tool Industry Association in October 2009, the shortage of new orders was extremely common, which was roughly 25% lower than the same period of the previous year. Moreover, half of the companies are experiencing delays in picking up or returning goods. Despite the signs of a good turn in the market in recent months, the cautious atmosphere is getting stronger. The recent survey of a number of user industries by the association also shows that the country's key support for aviation, automobiles, railways, green energy, ships, electronic information and other industries has driven the demand market to the high end.

According to industry experts, for the extremely large size, ultra-heavy machine tool equipment, machine tool equipment for the automotive industry, multi-coordinate machine tool equipment for the aviation industry, for the production of fine processing equipment for the electronics industry, is currently the domestic machine tool industry The short board, some even blank. The relevant demand in the domestic market can only rely on imports, while the key equipment in some key areas is still in a state of technical blockade abroad. Although the contradiction between demand and supply has improved due to the unremitting efforts of the machine tool industry over the years, the gap is still large.

Obviously, the new demand has brought new development opportunities and development directions to the machine tool industry. But to truly win the market, adjust the structure, and innovate and upgrade are the homework that must be done. In addition, according to changes in the situation, whether it is close to the market, tapping the market, cultivating the market, and creating demand are also realistic issues for testing the internal strength of the enterprise.

Innovation and upgrading and paying attention to the foundation can not be neglected

The machine tool industry is an industry with no significant economies of scale; machine tools are the most closely related commodities in the investment category with the individualized needs of users; the main features of the modern machine tool industry production and operation model are multi-variety, small batch, “tailoring” and complete sets. Supply; the effective organization scale and form of the machine tool industry is a combination of professional and short-skilled enterprises; the manufacture of machine tools is increasingly dependent on integration (support). The collection of these concepts means that the machine tool industry is an industrial field where the division of labor between enterprises is obvious, the competition is strong, and the technical capabilities can be fully utilized.

In 2008, according to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of enterprises in the domestic machine tool industry was 4,832, and the actual number will increase. Implementing structural adjustments in such a large manufacturing system is undoubtedly a complex system engineering. Of course, the regulatory function of the market should undoubtedly play a leading role, but the necessary policy guidance cannot be omitted.

In order to promote the upgrading of industrial structure, the state has begun to launch the "high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment" major project, the main purpose is to solve the critical equipment problems that the machine tool industry is still unable to meet in the national economic construction and national defense construction. This move has great practical significance for improving the technical level, manufacturing capability and product quality of the machine tool industry and enhancing the competitiveness of state-owned key enterprises.

But for those small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those private enterprises that are innovative and adventurous, flexible in operation, strong in operation and integration, obsessed with the industry and beginning to reveal the characteristics of “special, special and refined”, how to make It also has the opportunity to participate in the tough battle of major special projects. It seems to be equally worthy of attention and attention. I have you, you have me, mobilize as many resources as possible in the industry, mobilize all positive factors, and devote yourself to innovation and upgrading, and you will be able to receive more.

In addition, the innovation and upgrading of the machine tool industry can never be carried out in isolation, and the follow-up of related industries is also essential. Don't let the machine tool builder always make such a sigh: whether the production machine should start from steelmaking!

A machine tool company executive told reporters that there is no problem in focusing on developing high-end and blank products. However, if the relevant basic work is done well, the overall level of the domestic machine tool industry can also be greatly improved. At the moment, there are several colleges offering majors such as casting and heat treatment. Casting seems to have become synonymous with pollution. The farther the casting company moves, the better, the lower the labor cost, the better, so that it has entered a serious misunderstanding. Casting is also a science, and the learning is big. The long-term neglect of the industrial base will ultimately be punished. It can be said now that castings have become a major bottleneck factor that restricts the quality and reliability of machine tools. If you don’t have a solid and reliable foundation, what is the difference between a dangerous building and a dangerous building?

It is understood that machine tool manufacturing enterprises are suffering from weak raw materials and basic fields, which have aroused the attention of relevant departments, and specific research work has also begun. Hopefully, major projects in the field of materials and new materials will also become a reality as soon as possible.

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