If you want to buy a good house, don't touch it!

Buying a house is a happy thing, but the process of buying is not very comfortable. What kind of apartment to buy? How to buy and so on, many problems plagued us. Indeed, there are many issues to consider when buying a house. Not only must we consider the size, but we must also consider the feng shui problem. Then what kind of house style is not suitable for living in the home feng shui? Xiao Bian gave you today!

First, corridor type

Some units are narrow in shape, disproportionate in length and width, and they are like a long corridor. The width of such a house is so unpleasant that people can read it, not to mention long-term residence.

Second, pistol type

Some houses, from the floor plan, the shape of the entire unit is like a pistol. This kind of house has a serious shortage of corners and implied meaning. It is best to avoid it.

Third, the pattern of the heart sword pattern

The entrance door is facing the walk profile or channel, and its shape is like a sharp sword. This pattern is called "Sword of the Heart" in feng shui. The longer the corridor or aisle, the stronger the sturdiness of the sword. If the depth of the interior of the house is less than the length of the profile, it is the worst.

Fourth, non-flowing units

The windows of some houses are small or small, causing poor indoor and outdoor air circulation and poor ventilation, making it difficult for dirty and dirty air to escape, and fresh and clean air is difficult to enter. In the long run, the mind and body will be damaged.

Fifth, the triangular type

The instability of the triangle, as well as all kinds of bad morals in the Feng Shui, is enough to make you retreat.

Sixth, sawtooth type

Some units look uneven and irregular, similar to zigzag. This type of apartment is not uncommon, if you have the right conditions to choose other units, this is the best way to give up.

Seventh, the bathroom is located in the center of the house

This situation is very unfavorable. The bathroom is the source of filth in the home. If it is located right in the center of the house, it will not benefit all occupants of all aspects of the fortune and avoid the Kyrgyzstan.

Eighth, knife-shaped house type

A knife-shaped house type means that the overall shape of the house is like a knife handle. There is also a serious shortage of such units, as well as bad morals, and they are advised to avoid them.

Ninth, with a sharp corner

Some houses, from the perspective of the floor plan, have formed sharp angles of different degrees. This type of apartment has its own shape. Just like the various shapes facing the window, it will have a very negative impact on occupants.

Tenth, there is a family unit

"Church" means that the air flow from the entrance door can be directly blown to the window or balcony. This type of apartment air convection is too prosperous, the room has always been windy, it will cause the magnetic field instability, not only makes the resident's emotional instability, There is no sense of security, but it also has an adverse effect on the accumulation of popularity and financial resources.

Eleven, poor lighting type

Some houses are narrow in shape and the sun cannot shine, making the whole house dark and damp. In such a situation, it is difficult for the occupants to have a good influence on their wealth, business career, and health operations.

Tips: More practical decoration knowledge, real scene with the shoot, please pay attention to the palm of this site (micro signal: mall_jia).

Feng Shui House

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