Furniture installation skills What are the first-line furniture brands?

When we purchase furniture online, we usually need to assemble our own furniture . What is the furniture installation technique? Online shopping We cannot directly check the product. When buying furniture, it is best to go to the online brand store to purchase, then the first-line furniture brand. What is it? The next Xiaobian gave you a brief introduction to furniture installation skills and first-line furniture brands.

First, furniture installation skills

1, pre-installation check

Before we install the combination furniture, we must first check the accessories of the furniture. Is there any damage to the panel of the furniture? Sometimes the accessories of the furniture will be relatively small. When we open, we must not mix the accessories of the furniture.

2, according to the drawings

General furniture is equipped with installation drawings, general furniture plate installation holes have been drilled, we only need to install according to the drawings, because the furniture screws and other accessories are more similar, we must pay attention to not install the wrong part , if repeated screwing parts can easily damage the plate.

3, cabinet furniture

When we install cabinet furniture, it is best to start the installation from the bottom. We must mount the CD rack or other components before installing the hardware. If there are drawers, we also need to pay attention to the size and bevel of the drawer during installation. When installing, you can't save time and do not install wood glue, cork, etc. This will affect the quality of the furniture.

4, large-scale furniture

For large-scale furniture, such as wardrobes, dressing tables, etc., you must follow the principle of “big to small” when installing them. Install large furniture such as wardrobes and then install the dressing table. After installation, the furniture should be lifted up and placed in a special position. Do not push and pull the furniture on the ground.

5, professional installation

Some people do not have strong hands-on skills. It is advisable for professionals to install them when installing furniture.

Second, what are the first-line furniture brands?

1. All Friends Home

Quanyou Home was established in 1986. It is a large-scale enterprise that mainly produces plate furniture, solid wood furniture and other products. The company pays attention to research and development of green environmental protection products, has won the green design international contribution award, green pioneer company, green supply chain five-star certification and many other honor.

2, Qumei home

Founded in 1993, Qumei Home is a large-scale modern enterprise that focuses on wood furniture products. The company cooperates with internationally renowned design agencies, has won numerous international design awards, introduced leading production lines, and produced strictly in accordance with environmental standards. Design and quality are at the leading level in the industry.

Xiao Bian concludes: First-line furniture brands also have federal furniture, red apples and other brands. Xiao Bian has introduced them here in detail. The furniture installation techniques and first-line furniture brand Xiaobian are introduced here. I hope that after reading this article, I can give Everyone provides reference and help.

Furniture installation

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