The children's furniture market welcomes spring

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, parents have invested more and more in decorating children's rooms for children. Children's furniture has gradually been subdivided from the furniture market and developed rapidly. There are twenty or thirty professional children's furniture brands, such as I love my home, how much I love it, Disney Animation House, Colombini, Colorful Life, Happy Station, Ximenbao, Moraisha ...

"Humanity" signboard

In the children's furniture market, the "humanized" sign is an important breakthrough for the development of enterprises. Children have always been a group of people paying special attention to, and their growth environment has also received much attention. "It takes a lot of trouble to buy furniture for children, not only to choose styles, but also to choose details. After all, it is for children. Health and safety are our most important things." A parent named Guo told reporters. Mr. Wang, who has the same view as Ms. Guo, also admitted that most children are active now, so they will pay special attention to the corners of the furniture, the height of the stairs and the internal modeling structure when choosing furniture to avoid harm to the children.

In the interview, the reporter found that many children's furniture brands in the capital have played a "humanized" sign to attract the attention of parents, including the appearance of the furniture, color matching, hardware accessories, material selection, etc. For example, children ’s furniture is mostly designed according to ergonomics, and the size, height and shape are in line with children ’s physical conditions and growth characteristics, and the arc treatment of the corners is also aimed at children ’s active personality characteristics to prevent them from He was injured by sharp corner furniture. According to reporters, businesses have made great efforts in product design, such as hydraulic shock absorbers to prevent children from pinching hands when opening and closing doors, according to the color psychology of children to choose the color of furniture, environmental protection sand surface paint eye protection Features……

Diversification of children's furniture services

Compared with adult furniture, children's furniture is obviously more dominant in service, the flexible service model is beginning to highlight, and the diversified service path is gradually clear. The reporter learned that the children's furniture market in the capital has intensified its previous quality assurance and maintenance. The slogan of five-year warranty and life-long maintenance is very powerful. At the same time, various businesses have also extended the focus of service from product quality to In terms of related facilities, it gradually focuses on children's lives and qualities.

During the interview, the reporter learned that consumers can also enjoy the service of designing children's rooms for free while purchasing children's furniture. Professionals will match children's furniture with children's furniture according to the size and structure of the owner's house, which will make parents intuitive See the final effect of the children's room, and professionals will also provide accessories services for the children's room according to the child's personality and hobbies, to meet the parents' ideas of giving children a quality living environment.

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