Cotton formula fertilization technology

Formulated fertilization of cotton, also known as balanced fertilization of cotton, is based on the characteristics of cotton growth and fertilizer requirements, according to the local soil nutrient status and the requirements of cotton production levels, different types and amounts of fertilizer are applied to make effective nutrients in the soil. It is in balance and meets the requirements for cotton fertilizer. According to the research of agricultural research institutes and the practical experience of the agricultural extension department, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in cotton fields is generally 1:0.8:0.6, and if it is necessary to apply trace elements such as zinc and boron, the effect is good.
In order to facilitate the operation of cotton farmers, special fertilizer manufacturers for cotton production optimize the allocation of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements according to the needs of cotton growth and development. Cotton farmers can achieve scientific fertilization methods and fertilization according to their own production requirements. Intended purpose. With a target of 667 square meters of cotton (leather) 100~125 kg, the organic matter content of cotton field is 1~1.2%, and the organic fertilizer is 4000~5000 kg, the pure nitrogen is 15 kg, the pure phosphorus is 12 kg, the pure potassium is 9 kg. , plus 1.2 kg of zinc sulfate, 0.5 to 1 kg of borax. If it is required to produce 75 kg of cotton (leather) per 667 square meters of cotton field, the organic matter of cotton field is required to be 0.8-1%, pure nitrogen 7.5 kg, pure phosphorus 6 kg, pure potassium 4.5 kg, plus zinc sulfate and borax. 0.5~1 kg. In order to improve the effective utilization rate of fertilizer, cotton field fertilization should pay attention to the fertilization method. Generally, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, trace elements and 1/3 of nitrogen fertilizer should be mixed and applied as base fertilizer, combined with soil preparation for ditch application, and the remaining 2/3 nitrogen fertilizer. In combination with watering, top dressing is carried out during the cotton bud stage or early flowering stage. Author: Xue Yuhua
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