Boron deficiency symptoms and prevention methods

Boron is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of vegetables. It promotes the transport and metabolism of sulfur compounds in vegetables, and promotes cell growth and cell division. Boron deficiency has been found in a variety of vegetables. Symptomatic application of boron fertilizer has a significant effect on improving the yield and quality of vegetables.

First, the cause of boron deficiency
First, the consumption of boron in the soil is large. The widespread use of greenhouses and greenhouses, continuous cropping for many years, high multiple cropping index, large yield, large consumption of boron in soil, leading to boron deficiency in vegetables. Second, vegetables require high amounts of boron. It has been determined that the dry matter of roots and tubers has the highest boron content, which is 8-20 times higher than wheat crops and 5-10 times higher than corn; leafy vegetables contain 2-4 times higher boron than gramineous crops. Fruits and vegetables need more boron than leaf vegetables. Moreover, most vegetable crops have high insoluble boron content and low utilization rate. The third is the application of chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer too much, the farmer's organic fertilizer is too little, there is nutritional imbalance.

Second, the symptoms of boron deficiency. When celery is deficient in boron, stem cracking often occurs, especially in the newly cultivated celery, which is most prone to boron deficiency: celery is short, the lower leaves are yellow, the new leaves are shrunk, twisted, thickened, brittle, stems and Petiole short, thick, cracked, root system dysplasia, no new roots. When the tomato is deficient in boron, the cotyledons and true leaves of the seedlings are purple, the leaves are hard and brittle, the stems grow black and dry, the plants are clustered, the top branches turn inward, yellowing and die; the fruit maturity is irregular, deformed, there are Brown spots or black. When the corn is deficient in boron, the upper leaves are white with transparent stripes, the growth point is inhibited, the heading is blocked, the ear is short and curved, deformed, and the top grain is empty. When cabbage and broccoli are deficient in boron, the heart of the succulent stem is cracked, leaving the plant flowers unreal. When radish and phthalocyanine are deficient in boron, brown heart disease occurs in fleshy roots. The roots and necks of the succulent roots will also become rough, showing a characteristic shark skin lesion. When the cucumber is deficient in boron, the fruit center is corked and the peel is longitudinally cracked. When the onion is deficient in boron, the tubular leaves are stiff and brittle.

Third, prevention and treatment methods
1. Boron fertilizer bottom. Moderate or severely boron-deficient soil, applied in the seedbed and Honda with boron fertilizer such as borax, boric acid, or boron-containing superphosphate, boronic calcium carbonate, boron gypsum, boehmite, boron mud as the base fertilizer, the best effect . Use borax 0.5 kg - 0.7 kg per acre, or "hold boron" 200 grams, mix with dry fine soil or organic fertilizer, then open the ditch and apply. Do not overdo it, avoid contact with seeds to avoid affecting germination;
2. Soaking seeds with boron fertilizer. It is advisable to use borax or boric acid for soaking. First dissolve the borax with hot water at 40 °C, then add a solution of 0.01%-0.03% diluted with cold water, pour the seeds into it, and soak for 6-8 hours. The ratio of liquid to seed is 1:1, remove it, dry it and sow it.
3. Foliar application. Use 0.1%-0.25% borax or boric acid solution, spray 30-60 kg per acre, spray 1-3 times. The seedling stage concentration is slightly lower. The growth period is slightly higher, and it is forbidden to cause boron poisoning beyond the use concentration, resulting in chlorosis and dryness of the leaves and loss of flowers and fruits. The most effective spraying period is: the solanaceous vegetables are sprayed once in the late seedling stage, the rosette stage and the early flowering stage; the root-stem vegetables are sprayed once in the late stage of the seedling to the root growth stage; the cabbage-like vegetables are in the late stage of seedling and the rosette stage. At the beginning of the ball, a total of 2-3 times; leafy vegetables are sprayed 2-3 times in the late stage of the seedling to the prosperous period.
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