Five ways to distinguish between failed pesticides

Dilution method: Take 100 grams of emulsion pesticide, add 300 grams of water into a glass bottle. Vibrate vigorously, after standing for half an hour, if the concentration of the liquid is not uniform, there is emulsified milk on it, and there is sediment at the bottom, indicating that the drug has failed. The more emulsifiable, the worse the medicinal properties.

Floating method: Take 1 gram of wettable powder pesticide and spread it evenly on 200 ml of clear water. If it is wetted in 1 minute and sinks into water, it is a non-failed pesticide, and vice versa is a pesticide.

Oscillation method: When the oil and water of the emulsion pesticide is separated, it can be shaken by force, shake the bottle, and after standing for 1 hour, if the separation layer still appears, the drug has failed.

Hot-dissolving method: Put the emulsion pesticide with the precipitate into the warm water at 50 °C. After 1 hour, if the precipitate dissolves slowly, the drug has not expired. If the precipitate is difficult to dissolve or dissolve, the drug has deteriorated.

Suspension method: Take 50 g of wettable powder pesticide, put it into a glass container, add water and stir well. After standing for 10 minutes, if the pesticide is poor in solubility, the suspended powder is coarse, which is a failed pesticide.
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