Flooring industry: the relationship between companies and distributors

In the floor market, enterprises and distributors are equivalent to the human brain system and various parts of the body. Only with good control and cooperation can they maximize the benefits and achieve a win-win situation!

The same product and the same service make the enterprise and distributors closely connected. They are two unique subjects in the flooring market, and their primary goal is to obtain benefits, and then seek opportunities for survival and development.

An enterprise refers to a profit-making economic organization that combines human and material elements, independently engages in economic activities. It is a profitable economic organization that engages in economic activities such as production, circulation, and services, meets social needs with production or services, implements independent management, independent accounting, and is established in accordance with law.

A dealer is a unit or individual who only owns sales or services in a certain area and field. This is a dealer. The dealer has an independent operating agency, owns the ownership of the goods, obtains operating profits, and operates in a variety of ways. Or it is rarely restricted by the supplier, and the supplier has the right and responsibility. To put it simply, dealers refer to holding money and buying goods from enterprises. They buy goods not for their own use, but sell them resale. They only pass through the hands and then sell, focusing on the spread rather than the actual price. The enterprise did not sell to the dealer on credit, but received the money.

Subtle relationship between business and dealer

For the floor and home furnishing companies, from the start of each dealer, from store VI image design, product knowledge training to terminal sales, it has invested countless manpower, material resources, and financial resources, all condensed countless efforts and sweat. And in order to allow dealers to develop better and occupy more market share, flooring companies have increased the brand's popularity and its influence in the audience in the form of advertising support, product innovation, and network promotion. It can be seen from all kinds of things that the company and the dealer care for the mother!

On the other hand, from the surface of the flooring market, the mutual assistance relationship between enterprises and distributors is equal cooperation, resource sharing, and win-win cooperation. However, in actual operation, companies often position the relationship of dealers as a subordinate relationship, and regard the dealers as their own subordinates, and the enterprise becomes a manager. Cooperation is either asking distributors to cooperate with manufacturers 'activities, or asking distributors to comply with manufacturers' regulations, and even, on some occasions, it claims how many distributors it owns, not how many partners are there in the country. This requires companies to understand that dealers are the bridge connecting the enterprise and the market, and that the products of flooring companies must rely on dealers to occupy the market. To achieve a win-win situation, there is only more communication, and on the basis of the exchange of roles, when things happen, the other side considers more, improves practices, and seeks common development.

Enterprises provide dealers with the best hardware foundation, such as: providing the most competitive preferential policies and maximizing support. At the same time, companies also need to merge the supply of software. The planning of regional markets by enterprises and distributors together will help to establish cooperative relations.

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Low Porosity Refractory Brick

Low porosity clay bricks are made of low aluminum mullite as the main raw material, formed by high pressure molding and high temperature sintering. The main mineral composition is mullite phase, the product has excellent high temperature physical properties and chemical erosion resistance.
Low porosity clay brick stability is good, the degree of erosion does not occur sudden change, than ordinary clay brick life increased by 2 to 3 times. Thermal conductivity, specific heat and solubility, respectively, than ordinary clay bricks 2 times higher than 10% and 40%, heat storage capacity than ordinary clay bricks 50% to 60% higher than the thermal efficiency of the kiln can be improved.

Low porosity clay bricks are characterized by:
1. Low porosity, 13 to 15%;
2. Load softening temperature is high for about 1472 ℃;
3. High compressive strength at room temperature, generally about 100MPa;
4. Good volume stability at high temperature and good abrasion resistance;
5. good resistance to infiltration and erosion.

Low porosity clay brick as a good clay refractory brick products, so often used in chemical erosion, temperature fluctuations in the environment, such as steel, glass, chemical industry. The effect is quite obvious in the use of glass hot room and the use of iron water tank.

Suitable for Plugging Oven Holes,Clogging Refractory Clay Bricks,Clogging Refractory Clay Brick

Huixian Xinwei Refractories Co. , https://www.xinweirefractory.com