Hardware suffers from lack of brand

If there is no “MADE IN CHINA”, we can imagine if the friends on the other side of the ocean can still enjoy some of the most affordable products? When the "China model" encountered the "great country brand". China's processing and manufacturing industry is experiencing challenges from many aspects such as cost, capital, technology and brand. For the rest of us, we don’t need to go into the discussion. Simply talking about Chinese brands, the traditional hardware and electronic machinery industry, the defects of "great powers of large countries" are fully exposed.

China’s hardware and electromechanical industry has always been relying on low labor costs for manufacturing. The foundry is only attached to this, lacking the real accumulation and development of self-brand and technology. This is where the nurse brand building of China’s hardware and . For the Chinese hardware and electronic machinery industry, the bigger colleagues are also busy. Big and strong Chinese hardware and electrical machinery is the most competitive. In the process of becoming a hardware powerhouse, brand building is the most important driving force.

China’s hardware and electromechanical manufacturing country is the world’s factory, which has played an invaluable role in the development of the world’s hardware and electromechanical products. However, when the advantage of cheap labor is lost or replaced, China’s manufacturing advantage will no longer exist. Now we have seen one company relocate manufacturing centers to India, Vietnam and other countries. China cannot rely on manufacturing to build a country. The same hardware and electromechanical industry also encountered the above problems. In turn, as an emerging country, India, it realized this problem at the beginning of its development. It did not use its own manufacturing advantage to develop its “world factory”, but instead committed itself to the “software service industry with more R&D and innovation capabilities.” office". China's hardware and electronic machinery needs a "brand to build the country."

ISO Standard Mass Flow Meter

Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. is a trustworthy manufacturer of Mass Flow Meter Coriolis, Flow Meter Coriolis, Mass Flowmeter Coriolis, Mass Meter Coriolis, Meter Coriolis, Flowmeter Coriolis, ISO/ IEC 17025 standard.

Sealand meter is certified by Zhejiang Institute of Metrology. To get such certificate, Sealand has to send all models to Zhejiang Institute of Metrology and all models are tested in their calibration lab. The lab is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard lab approved by CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment). CNAS is a member of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation).

Besides, Sealand has its own calibration lab, equipped with METTLER TOLEDO scales with accuracy 0.014% and the device extended uncertainty is 0.05%. The lab is also approved by Zhejiang Institute of Metrology. This certificate will stay valid only for one year, Zhejiang Institute of Metrology will send their professor to Sealand every year to check and make sure that the lab is qualified still and then issue new certificate. During the production, each meter will be calibrated in this lab for 3 times, each time at 5 different flow rate.

Mass Flow Meter Coriolis, Flow Meter Coriolis, Mass Flowmeter Coriolis, Mass Meter Coriolis, Meter Coriolis, Flowmeter Coriolis

Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.sealandflowmeter.com